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Determining Physical Location on the Internet

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Determining Physical Location on the Internet

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  • @General Lighting 978286 wrote:

    it is indeed not exact geolocation compared to this Canadian discovery and uses the source IP addresses but especially in European countries with more advanced fast broadband locating any source of traffic (encrypted or not) is trivial.

    Non intrusive monitoring is routinely carried out by the telecom companies/ISPs on the request of the Communications Ministries; paradoxically the more free and advanced a country is with regard to such issues as net neutrality and quality of service the more likely this will be carried out on a regular basis.

    that doesn’t mean they will trace and nick people just for using TOR but does mean if the activities of users cause obvious issues elsewhere [such as a rise in 112 calls due to suspected ODs/unusual behaviour due to drugs] or they are committing fraud and then try and convert the bitcoins into Euros to buy physical items then old fashioned Police work is used to gather evidence; and the darknet still leaves some data trail which adds to this.

    Every connection frommthe IP address you are assigned at any one time by your ISP, and where it connects to is logged.

    @tryptameanie 978287 wrote:

    I mean, if this were feasible over TOR (and I can certainly understand how and why it’s possible over single hop VPNs/proxies), it would need traceroute plus accurate timing (last oart not hard) for every possible route ever in the network, and even with only 3 nodes, calulating 3000-4000 nodes cubed is more than I can be arsed with r9ght now.

    The Dutch are culturally similar to many Asian folk and a lot of them will do hard maths and complex computer/electronics projects for fun and/or study these subjects at University.

    They also have (unusual for a small country next door to Germany) their own atomic clock which can calculate exactly how many nanoseconds time difference there is between DCF77 (DE) and NPL/MSF (UK).

    Interestingly A/MIVD (NL security services) encourage the use of encryption/privacy software and do not as yet have the legal authority or capability to tap all the connections in the country. I do not think they are interested in monitoring every possible location or have the capability to do so but only act when Dutch citizens are actually committing crime; although they will understandably work with feds in other nations when the crimes affect more than one country such as the Russian and Dutch youths busted for ransomware and when pills/weapons are sold via darknet across NL and DE borders.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Determining Physical Location on the Internet