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  • The happy go lucky creative hippies favourite computer, being sucessfully used to stalk protestors across Copenhagen and dilute their protests.. 😉

    Copenhagen police turn to Macs | IT PRO

    @General Lighting 366128 wrote:

    The happy go lucky creative hippies favourite computer, being sucessfully used to stalk protestors across Copenhagen and dilute their protests.. 😉

    Copenhagen police turn to Macs | IT PRO

    God I hate mac’s, over priced and over-styled junk should be a new moto for them. Unless your into artistic stuff of course in which case their just over priced over-styled matter.


      @1984 366130 wrote:

      God I hate mac’s.

      Me too, we have a sign outside our classroom saying “No apples here”

      @Angel 366139 wrote:

      Me too, we have a sign outside our classroom saying “No apples here”

      People must be saved from themselves

      @1984 366130 wrote:

      God I hate mac’s, over priced and over-styled junk should be a new moto for them. Unless your into artistic stuff

      from the pictures I’ve seen so far the “Politi” actually seem to put much more effort and style into their design of their vehicles and uniforms and I expect by extension their comms/command and control systems (giving an impression of brutal efficiency and quiet menace) than the brash fluorescent colours of Suffolk Constabulary or TVP (which were allegedly thought up after an entire brainstorming weekend between the Home Office and ACPO about “high visibility policing” nearly came to nothing, then a traffic cop saw a slice of battenburg cake on a tray in the canteen :laugh_at:)

      To be fair on our designers I think British emergency service vehicles are much more visible which is better in road safety and “fairness” terms (i.e you can see them coming)

      on todays Grauniad comments some yoghurt-weaver said “Danish Police have turned violent confrontation into an art form”.. they are probably hitting people in Copenhagen with batons designed by Jacob Jensen!

      its so funny watching jealous pc owners pretending that macs arent excellent quality products

      @Iacchus 366167 wrote:

      its so funny watching jealous pc owners pretending that macs arent excellent quality products

      in niche applications (including art and music) they can be – but a large price premium is paid. (you can do the same with PC hardware, particularly if you stay the fuck away from Windoze and all its flakiness..)

      However command and control systems for the blue light services were traditionally custom built and were funded with a endless pot of taxpayers money – its only recently that the UK ones have started using mostly bog-standard Dell workstations and normal Microsoft core infrastructure…

      The Dansk Politi and the IT-og-Telestyrelsen (Danish IT/telecoms ministry) aren’t stupid, and Denmark has a lot of smart techie people (they probably use this obscure platform as well to make it very secure)

      What I was getting at more isn’t the merits or otherwise of the computer itself, but the dark irony of this machine which is usually marketed at right-on creative types being so effectively used to limit protest, dissent and freedom of speech in a so-called democratic country (and even using a Linux/Unix-like kernel :laugh_at:), when normally its Microsoft being berated for this.

      if you are old enough to remember the 1984 Mac adverts its even more ironic!

      i agree with you on the irony here my comments were directed elsewhere 😉

      @Iacchus 366167 wrote:

      its so funny watching jealous pc owners pretending that macs arent excellent quality products

      They are nicely styled I guess…but they all look the same and cost too much and products like the iphone (especially the older one) really are style over ability.

      I hear the build quality is quite good though!

      i prefer pc hardware to mac personally but i guess i b different

      @joshd96320 366176 wrote:

      i prefer pc hardware to mac personally but i guess i b different

      Good lad

      though i may hasten to add ive got an iphone and prefer it to any other phone (purely coz of music & the super sensitive touchscreen)

      @joshd96320 366178 wrote:

      though i may hasten to add ive got an iphone and prefer it to any other phone (purely coz of music & the super sensitive touchscreen)

      N95 all the way for me

      ive got a mac, just for logic pro really

      its alright, does the job

      GL what paper do you read?

      @MisterDuck 366193 wrote:

      ive got a mac, just for logic pro really

      its alright, does the job

      GL what paper do you read?

      usually read the online Guardian.

      Stopped buying the paper one in the 1990s when our pet cats grew up, as whilst the Home / World news and particularly crime reporting of the Guardian is excellent, the pretentious arts and style section was fit only to line the kittens’ litter tray. (at least an environmentally friendly use of it).

      Incidentally the Guardian and the Reading Evening post are the same group of newspapers.

      I also read a variety of foreign news sources and a lot of obscure IT/techie websites (which is where I found this report about the macs).






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    Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology DK : Danish riot cops use Macs!