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  • After being berated in Norweigian by the old Aftenpoften for adblocking; I was curious about whether DR (Danmarks Radio, national broadcaster of Denmark similar to the BBC in UK) did the same (they don’t); how many trackers they use (not very many and they do own up to them in the privacy policy) and what was in the news.

    I found this story which I thought interesting as it mentioned rats; if I have got this right the reports warn that some fancy chocolates (that surely must cost as few crowns) were packed in an unregistered warehouse full with rats; so that the chocolate was contaminated with rat shit :yakk: (I think the second article also warns you of all the diseases that can be caught that way).

    I am fond of chocolate; and don’t mind rats either (as companion animals rather than food) but it is best to keep them in separate places 😉

    Skadedyrskontrol på besøg: Forskellige typer chokolade pakket blandt rottelort | Nyheder | DR
    Choko-lakrids kommer fra virksomhed med rottelort | Nyheder | DR

    perhaps this alt pack should rebrand as “rat pack” :laugh_at:






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Forums Life Pets & Animals DK : Rats!