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Forums Drugs DMT DMT

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  • Well Ive had a search and a little read, but DMT doesnt actually have Its own thread.

    Im really Interested In trying this stuff. I have heard about how Intense It can be, but Im still really keen to have a go. I just want to know of any experience you lot have with It. Bad Idea to try or…?

    Also, what sort of price am I looking at?

    One thing though. The closest Ive got to a psychadelic experience, is having about 350mg of Ket, and from being In the K hole. Ive been there plenty of times, enough to feel safe and incontrol ect, but do you think I should experiement with Acid first? Or some 2c’s before I take the bigger plunge?

    id say try the others before you go for dmt as it is fucking intense and will be nothing like doing less than half a g of k…


    DMT is one weird experience and is well worth planning for and request a babysitter (just in case).

    I think before going for the big DMT I would try other RC’s and LSD and know that I can handle my trip beforehand.

    As for prices? I dunno. I’ve never bought the stuff – I always seem to get given or at least offered.

    But looking at the old site it says for 100mg its $80.00USD and for 1000mg $470USD so 40 quid and 235 quid respectively – that includes postage and packing etc. On the street? I have no idea even if you can buy it on street level

    its about 100 to 170 for a gram so pretty pricey compared to 2 quid for a tab. Still worth it tho, just save it for special occasions!

    that must be one of the most priceist drugs around!!! what is it? like do you get alot for you’re money? do you only need a speck of it to feel anything?

    i’ve never tried DMT so any info on it would be great!

    you need about 0.05 of a g, so not much. it is pricey, but people have told me that the 2c rc’s can be over 200 for a g.

    so you can get a fair few trips off of it? what do you do sniff it or smoke it or what? sounds pretty interesting.

    i’ve heared its alot like salvia, very out of you’re mind and sort of dreamy.

    smoke the crystal type stuff or you can drink it if you make the ayausaca drink made from roots an plants i think there is a snuff form but if you get the crystals with is most likely then smoke it in a vapouriser type pipe or a crack pipe, another thing when lighting it dont actually make the flame hit it have it a little way off and gently heat it and suck as it starts to smoke it should turn into liquid just try not to burn it or it wont work

    DMT can only be smoked for it to be effective.

    DMT has proven to be ineffective when eaten. And you need a lighter that uses the blue flame and not your average lighter with a yellow flame – it really needs some high heat for it to burn and you to smoke the vapur – like Funkydan said, smoke it like crack. or crystal meth, – just hotter and using a high powered lighter

    Hence why the Urban Legend of Toad Licking, Licking toads does not get you high as you have to smoke the stuff (since one of the active ingredients is DMT)

    And yes its fucking pricey and has been for the last few years.

    But its one fucking trip and very spriritual – its one of those, FREEZE TIME trips and see yourself reborn again and all that took 45 minutes, but it felt like 10 hours.

    Makes you feel like you wanna piss and shit yourself too – I always feel like that when Ive done DMT and it aint a comfortable feelin’ 😥

    i really wanna try some now. unfortunately due to not havin a job i can’t exactly afford any atm! lol

    any1 had any experiences on it? i’ve heard that its way more intense than LSD or anything.

    hyperSkunk wrote:
    i really wanna try some now. unfortunately due to not havin a job i can’t exactly afford any atm! lol

    any1 had any experiences on it? i’ve heard that its way more intense than LSD or anything.

    Yeah expensive shit… I know I made the thread wanting hear about experiences, but I did read about one bloke elsewhere, that lived the entire life of a Lion in the 30 mins he was tripping…

    Dom_sufc wrote:
    Yeah expensive shit… I know I made the thread wanting hear about experiences, but I did read about one bloke elsewhere, that lived the entire life of a Lion in the 30 mins he was tripping…

    lmao ive gotta get me some of that……..once i get the monies rolling in…………..supposedly its been around for years but just hasn’t been popular.

    its been around a lot longer than that! probably 10’s of thousands of years if not longer…

    djprocess wrote:
    its been around a lot longer than that! probably 10’s of thousands of years if not longer…

    Hardy har :laugh_at: It was first chemically synthesized In 1931 though.

    Still suprising Its not more widely used. Prolly because of its reputation maybe. Some of my mates said they wouldn’t bother with it.

    A lot of tribes in South America use the stuff for their shamanic rituals – but you will find a lot of back packers down their wanting to try the stuff.

    Its made from a certain type of toad – they milk it and let the stuff dry and smoke it. How the fuck they would synthesise it I dont know (my chemistry A level was 14 years ago and they dont cover DMT during lectures :laugh_at: ). Its only one type of toad that does secrete DMT – all the others dont do squat.

    So who fancies doin some Kermit with me?? :crazy_dru






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Forums Drugs DMT DMT