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Do Drugs Damage Your Memory?

Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests Do Drugs Damage Your Memory?

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  • @p0ly 383586 wrote:

    It’s the same with memory related exercises as well, it’s mental exercise the same as physical.

    Hmmm I might need to get a DS and do some daily brain training! 😉

    age is a matter also….big benders should be avoided while the brain is under construction…

    @!sinner69! 383624 wrote:

    age is a matter also….big benders should be avoided while the brain is under construction…

    Big mistake in my life

    @GiantMidget 383581 wrote:

    I heard that mate, When I did that Navy maths test I knew straight away that I was fucked. Didn’t understand any of it. :laugh_at:

    @p0ly 383586 wrote:

    It’s the same with memory related exercises as well, it’s mental exercise the same as physical.

    yes, you need to keep the brain active and positive. This does not mean having to read hippy new age stuff and books about pretty flowers and be overoptimistic all the time (this can in fact be dangerous to the mental health!) but being pragmatic – for instance I read a lot of crime news and stuff about war, but I do not watch violent American action movies! this might seem strange but I feel movies do glorify hate and violence whilst crime and war reporting is often much more impartial (especially if you read more than one nations media so get other sides of the story).

    @!sinner69! 383624 wrote:

    age is a matter also….big benders should be avoided while the brain is under construction…

    now this is a big problem in England. Young people very often start on drugs by 11/12 and try to lead more “adult” lifestyles. when raves were permitted here it was not uncommon to find 14 -16 year olds taking large amounts of drugs.

    And no, they didn’t die or go mental but they didn’t get much out of high school, and by the time they are 21/22 many of them are bored with everything as they’ve seen it and done it all, plus their attention spans are fucked which is why they can’t think quickly and smart enough to deal with and get round authorities and thus get away with such things as raves without picking losing battles – so they give up the fight at a comparatively early age.


    i took more drugs when i was 15 than i have done since, and it has definatly affected my brain. mind you drugs were drugs in them days. fuck all this mcat and liquid acid shite.

    eye q fish oils

    :crazy_diz@Queenie 383521 wrote:

    hi everyone:crazy:,
    i’m new to the site but am amazed by how much information there is here!!

    i’m getting a bit older now and probably should take it more easy on the party front but i love going to parties and meet my friends and do some drugs to make me feel great. i have a wide circle of friends and get to know people very easy.

    But i was shocked recently when my friend invited me to test his brain games that he created for his website- i was terrible and couldn’t concentrate!! and i could not really see that i was getting better the more i played the games. my friend who does tons of cannabis however seemed to do very well and got top scores in most of the games.

    Does that mean that my lifestyle changed my ability to do well in speed/memory games? i was acually quite a good student in my days!

    does anyone feel the same?????? i’m now incredibly self contious!!

    Everything we do comes with a pricetag.But always remember,don’t ever regret on the past because that experience carve you into person you are today.

    what was the question again sorry?

    Na, seriously though, i do feel that my mind has strengthened since i started taking grugs, i mean, i now conciser myself a man of fair intellect as opposed to an individual with half a brain cell.
    In one way drugs have if anything changed my for the better, i feel more confident in myself, i feel i can do what i want when i want. BUT…i do tend to have rather unpredictable mood swings, as in the past 4-5 days i’ve been VERY depressed but, from last night i have come to terms with this and just accept its as my mind rebooting old neuron pathways…..
    So all in all, drugs haven’t damaged my memory, just some of the other parts of my mind…and do i care?………… i fuck!

    Thanks Tonelo and all others, you make me feel better but i still think i’m slow, can’t concentrate and my memory is sucks (even flippin forgot my mum’s birthday the other day- shit!)
    i feel like i should start some brain training, in fact i have been playing this game on the net, MissingPiece on brain experiment, it’s fun but can’t get below 132 seconds (all players average). one person even managed to get 47secs??

    @GiantMidget 383623 wrote:

    Hmmm I might need to get a DS and do some daily brain training! 😉

    brain training just teaches you to be good at brain training, doesn’t make you smarter or anything so they reckon. Well, the people who sell it think differently. Dunno if it helps with memory though

    @ToneLo 383683 wrote:

    Everything we do comes with a pricetag.But always remember,don’t ever regret on the past because that experience carve you into person you are today.

    I can’t remeber the past .. so no regrets there :laugh_at:

    @ queenie … i’m with GL on this one … the majority of damage you may do to your brain is reversable with some concentraition and a bit of effort and time … my best mate (who’s allways been v-smart) ended up in mental hospital through varios things happening in his life and alot of hardcore drug abuse. Years later you wouldn’t have a clue he had ever been in mental hospital and he owns his own company now. you just have to stop doing what it is that’s making your mind messed up and do healthy activitys (physicaly and mentaly) and over time you’ll see the improvements.

    eye q fish oils. eye swear by em! 🙁






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Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests Do Drugs Damage Your Memory?