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Do Drugs Damage Your Memory?

Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests Do Drugs Damage Your Memory?

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  • I ain’t spoken to him since then, he’s on abit of a downer so he doesn’t contact me often anymore.

    @p0ly 385102 wrote:

    I haven’t had the pleasure of trying mescaline yet, but that’s cos i changed my mind about eating dirty cactus. I want crystals.

    It’s not that bad. SWIM was expecting something way worse than people described. It’s bitter and slimy but not that hard to get down. Totally worth it too. SWIM lives in South Africa so it’s quite easy to grow them in the warm weather. If you get a good strong mother cactus then it’s easy to make clones. SWIM doesn’t even do the boiling for hours thing. SWIM just chops off 10 inches or so, peels off the hard skin, takes out the core part, and then blends it up with a little water and drinks the slime. Works for SWIM. It doesn’t taste that bad. Plus, there are different alkaloids, not just mescaline, in the cactus that also add to the experience (so they say). SWIM figures if SWIM just eats the whole thing then SWIM will get them all.

    80 quid per gram…wow. Glad I no longer live in the UK!

    What was the question again?sorry forgoten allready….Hmmmm..

    @likescoobs 385300 wrote:

    It’s not that bad. SWIM was expecting something way worse than people described. It’s bitter and slimy but not that hard to get down. Totally worth it too. SWIM lives in South Africa so it’s quite easy to grow them in the warm weather. If you get a good strong mother cactus then it’s easy to make clones. SWIM doesn’t even do the boiling for hours thing. SWIM just chops off 10 inches or so, peels off the hard skin, takes out the core part, and then blends it up with a little water and drinks the slime. Works for SWIM. It doesn’t taste that bad. Plus, there are different alkaloids, not just mescaline, in the cactus that also add to the experience (so they say). SWIM figures if SWIM just eats the whole thing then SWIM will get them all.

    80 quid per gram…wow. Glad I no longer live in the UK!

    its actually about £80 for half a gram!:crazy_diz

    @p0ly 385289 wrote:

    I ain’t spoken to him since then, he’s on abit of a downer so he doesn’t contact me often anymore.



    totally forgot about this thread

    After a week on the k my memory is fucked for a bit then it returns to pretty much normal after a few days off it.

    I’m curious, what else usually occupies some ‘memory loss’ for you guys?
    Do you guys ever feel ‘not sober yet/dreamlike’ afterward? ‘depersonalization’ ? Misleading name if you ask me.

    i shit with you not, i used to have a very good memoey, since i’ve been doing drugs my memory is wank, no joke the other day i sat down watched something on tv, it finished then i full on forgot what i just watched.

    I know i most prob should cut down and i have so hopefully the old memory will come back :weee:.

    But yeah more to the thread, drugs do make your memory quite bad i find, weed especialy. therefore remember not to go mental on drugs or you might loose your short term, which could be annoying.

    eh? what? memory you say?

    what was the question?

    Not me. Maybe you have a bad memory to begin with? :lol_fast:

    Some of these impairments are detectable after only one or two drinks and quickly resolve when drinking stops. On the other hand, a person who drinks heavily over a long period of time may have brain deficits that persist well after he or she achieves sobriety.

    Well, I think I will have to agree with the most of the posts in this thread. The effects can vary depending on the person, the drug taken etc.

    If you are feeling conscious, then you can always visit a professional and get your doubts cleared. 🙂






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Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests Do Drugs Damage Your Memory?