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  • 800 watts might seem like a lot of leccy but this isn’t just powering 3 computers and 5 LCD monitors but also a VOIP telephone system in the stairwell as well as the NAS, router, switches and everything else. I deliberately conducted the measurements with everything switched on to get a “worst case” idea…

    As a long term project (as the roof of my house needs looking at anyway) I plan to put 800W of solar panels up there, and build a small conservatory in which the batteries will be securely kept (also so if anything goes tits up it would be confined to this outbuilding given the high current involved for the DC end of the system). The initial costs would be a fair quid but cheaper than the “proper” feed in setup (for which I’d need the entire house rewired and its not as resilient in case of power cuts)

    I am aware I have not corrected for the efficiency of inverter not being 100% but the mains power demand estimate is deliberately on the higher side anyway, including my amp (with inefficient linear power supply) turned up loud and if I was in a situation where I was off supply for a longer period I’d switch the audio to a smaller set of active speakers or even the 12V squawk box I built a while back out of some PC speakers…)



    *cowering epsilon*

    Nice idea man, a guy I work for has solar panels on his caravan for when he goes for camping trips. Are you going to do what Ritchy D (iirc it was him) did and have a back up genny for emergencies? I was well impressed with his christmas light array, especialy considering it was all self sufficient power!

    @DaftFader 547253 wrote:

    Nice idea man, a guy I work for has solar panels on his caravan for when he goes for camping trips. Are you going to do what Ritchy D (iirc it was him) did and have a back up genny for emergencies? I was well impressed with his christmas light array, especialy considering it was all self sufficient power!

    I had considered this but a genset is a noisy thing to be starting up in the back garden of a house on a urban estate. The intention I had was rather than become dependent on the feed in tarrifs which can and do change at the whim of the Governments in power was to generate enough power locally that would be used inside my house for more critical equipment, and if required (such as in winter) trickle charging the batteries via the UK Power Networks mains supply.

    I do not hoard a particularly great quantity of food in the freezer as the local shops are within walking distance and I work in a rural area and know a fair few farmers, so fresh food would not be that hard to get.

    In any case if the estate was off supply long enough to need one I’d probably end up diverting some of the power to set up up a “UN style multi species feeding and watering station” in the street along with one of my neighbours (this Chinese dude who would be about my dads age, in his youth he worked for the Post Office in his country and then transferred to UK at Adastral Park, although he has now retired he still proudly wears his old style BT uniform jacket even at the shops. Where I live there is actually a fairly good sense of community and folk do help each other out when there are problems…….

    Cheap source for car batteries – scrap yards.

    Hope you know how to trade fair with the Roma clans though – you’ve got to earn respect by asking the right questions and paying cash.

    You’ll only be buying a few, so one offs like that can save you quite a bit of cash. (4 pound scrap value, so good condition = 10. It’s worth it to them at that price).






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Doing the maths…