It takes a year to decompost human shit, that all the viruses and diseases are dead. Now I’m talking about cholera and other nasty stuff, you would not let your kids to go near by.
People in town have townhalls and those townhalls employ people to deal with your dog’s shit. That how it works, it just does not magicaly disapear in a week.
Moving the festival is the only way how to prevent it to die.
It seems that local authorities finaly decided to act. And miracle has happened, they did not use power to stop the festival, they didn’t decide to spend silly money on police blocks and fight with festival goers.
They decided to do something much better, enviromentaly friendly, positive and so rare that we all should be thankful. Yes, they decided to plant trees, actualy not only few of them they’re planning to plant 1800 trees on the land of Hidrografica and all the locals (mostly old spanish campesinos), who agreed to have a forest instead of a scrapyard. Now show me one activist, who would go and protest against tree planting. Perhaps some filthy capitalist wanting a nice industrial zone, surely that’s not the case of people living here around.
So far holes have been dug as you can see on the pictures. It looks bit spooky to see whole space of the festival dug up, but you can see that the digger did not damage any of the old trees, broom bushes or any of the original vegetation!
I appeal to everyone, have a look at the pics and do not come with sound systems, there is not any space for you to set up. Of course if anyone can come up with an alternative space (perhaps Santa Fe – thermal springs), the fesitval could go on there. But honestly Cigarrones valley is not the right place anymore.
If you think that what the Medio Ambiente have just done is good for the environment, then you are seriously deluded. They have turned the river bed into an extremly dangerous place for small children – of which there are many, living both on the river bed and in Ciggarones village – and have destroyed what little topsoil there is left after past floodings, as now it will blow away in the wind. Hardly environmentally friendly!
The trees that they say will be planted are not going to be put in till december (!!!), thus they have achieved their objective of making the riverbed an unsuitable place to hold the festival whilst not actually fulfilling their supposed main objective!!! In what way(s) can this be viewed as a positive action?
The trees that were planted last year along the track next to the cantera – have all died!!! Great bit of eco-action! If you plat new trees, it’s bloody obvious that they will need regular wtering until they are established. Do the Medio Ambiente intend to put in watering systems for all these trees for the first three-ish years, or are the people who encouraged this monstruous action going to get out there and do it?
Is anyone really thinking of the future here?
I hope that the Ciggarones dwellers who are not in favour of the festival feel as though they have achieved something here – and i hope that it pricks at their consciences every time they drive along the track and see the hideous mess that has been made in the last few days.
Great here I am do I water 1800 trees or watch them die !!!!!!!!!!!!
There is still a ton of room around the river bed in ciggerones, I for one am not going to be moved or intimidated by the laughable attempts of the local authorities. To the middle class land owning fuckwits of the village i would say that you must be mental if you think that the transient population on the riverbed are bothered by what has happened over the last week, for the most part we are a pretty lawless bunch as it is and the sight of a few guardia civil putting up fences and digging holes is going to stop yhe dragon, in fact quite the opposite. it would seem that most of the flat land left is directly under your property. Come one come all the dragon is on although this year it may be more of a protest than a celebration, bring a rig, bring your friends but most important bring a spade and fill in the holes that cant be used for planting untill next winter anyway. You miserable fascist land owning cunts, more worried about the price of your property than the price of your freedom.
:bounce_fl :bounce_g: :bounce_fl :bounce_g: :bounce_fl :bounce_g: :bounce_fl :bounce_g:
Por fin se ha hecho justicia y ha triunfado lo que tiene que triunfar: La Naturaleza, el río y el valle en paz. Los árboles, en silencio y de forma pacífica os están expulsando de aquí. Ahora si sois tan hippies y tan ecologistas arrancad los árboles si tenéis cojones. Sois una manada de miserables que habéis convertido una celebración en plena naturaleza para dar la bienvenida a la primavera en un macronegocio (bussiness) para vender toda clase de sustancias (ketamina, MDMA, etc) para vivir todo el año sin tener que trabajar. ¿Porqué no os vais a celebrar vuestro Tecnodragón a Inglaterra? ¿Porqué no luchais en vuestro país por vuestros ideales? ¿Es que no sabéis ganaros la vida de forma digna, cultivando la tierra por ejemplo? Aquí no necesitamos gente como vosotros que nos impongan un festival supuestamente hippie y alternativa donde se destroza el valle del Guadalfeo. Aquí vivimos nosotros desde siempre, asi que respetadnos. Si no os gustan las autoridades y/o la forma de vida española volved a Inglaterra. Y no soy fascista, los fascistas sois vosotros que queréis imponer por la fuerza algo que va contra la naturaleza. Desde aquí todo mi apoyo a las autoridades locales que han tenido la gran idea de limpiar la naturaleza con más naturaleza. Y repito: If you don’t like the local people, what are you doing here?.
:satisfied :satisfied :satisfied :satisfied :satisfied
Wow I can’t believe everyone is getting so worked up. Feel quite sad reading all these posts of people from our comunity all arguing amounst themselves. There are much bigger things going on out there has no one noticed. I can’t believe that the people who are trying to stop the dragon come from our world. Why are we waisting so much energy fighting amounst ourselves when there is so much more important things to fight for. We are playing in to the hands of the authorities, its the oldist trick in the book, devide and rule. Once we tart fighting amounst ourselves it is all over.
:you_crazy:you_crazy:you_crazy tu tranquilo que en el peor de los casos sobran sitios para hacer el dragón, pero a danone, follandose el ecosistema, estoy seguro que no la echas ni te manifiestas
por cierto os habeis fijado en la cinta de plastico de cruzcampo (propiedad de heineken), es que ahora han comprado tambien el rio?
y lo que riza el rizo es lo que dice accordionista con el que estoy completamente de acuerdo, van a poner riego para todo eso? a no que el agua es de Danone, no veo yo a la naturaleza ganando por el sistema español eh
:satisfied :satisfied :satisfied :satisfied :satisfied
Verdad! raaa
It is not an English festival it is an international festival, a large proportion of the systems and traders last year were Spanish, and anyway unless we are fascists nationality is irelavent.
No es un festival inglés que es un festival internacional, una proporción grande de los sistemas y los comerciantes eran el año pasado españoles, y a menos que seamos la nacionalidad de los fascistas es de todos modos irelavent.
H I P O C R I T A S !!!!! Sucios aburguesados, cuando os interesa haceis posesión de la tierra que os acogió, de MI tierra, porque yo soy ANDALUZ. Sois vosotros los fascistas que me impiden utilizar la tierra que como ser humano me pertenece y pertenece a todos, pero como os veo tan preocupados por la procedenia de los que llegan al dragón, quizás sea interesante recordar que vosotros no habeis nacido alli, un dia llegásteis, nada más…. ¿quién os da el derecho a decidir sobre un lugar que no es vuestro? Fascista es vuestra actitud….. Hippies de tres al cuarto…..
Si no hay fiesta, espero que haya una gran portesta
If you are planning to come to ORGIVA for this years Dragon please DON’T !
By Supporting the Festival this year you will be supporting violence, ignorance and mindless hatred.
We have now reached the stage here where the mindless, childish, ignorant hypocrites who have encouraged the “come all rape and pillage attitude” of the Dragon festival have now reaped the whirlwind. As a result of the escalating madness each year the authorities who own the river bed site have acted, digging holes for thousands of trees, thus making it rather hard to park/camp/party. As these idiots can’t really hurt the authorities (apart from vandelising the digger) they have turned on the residents of Ciggarones who in their ignorance they blame for the tree planting (as if the Spanish authorities take any notice of what we foriegners think!). They are spraying paint on cars, throwing stones, shouting abuse, and assaulting people in their cars as they drive home. All because they couldn’t see beyond their pathetic “right to party and any one who disagrees is an old fart”. By Supporting the Festival this year you will be supporting violence, ignorance and mindless hatred.
Unless a sensible alternative venue is found please stay away this year. The festival was always about celebration not suffering. Right now people are suffering abuse, real hateful, hurtful abuse. It must not be supported or encouraged in any way.
Go well, and may peace and a bit of love return to our troubled community. F
Hola a todos:
He estado varias veces en el festival y he disfrutado muchísimo, pero estuve hace poco en tablones y chicos, cigarrones esta impracticable.
No hay sitio donde acampar, todo lleno de tierra removida y agujeros. Le preguntamos a un abuelete de la zona y nos dijo que iban a plantar arboles los de la Junta.
Si no hay sitio para estar, creo que se debia plantear el cambiar la ubicación. Yo asi no voy, si voy es para pasar un fin de semana alucinante y además estar comodo, no para pasarlo mal.
From the place where the heart of the dragon lies we are not to be put off by a few holes, come with your spade and fill a few, it is heartbreaking to see the devestation but makes it all the more important you all come we must remain free to party!!! least we don,t have to spend hours talkin bout diggin shit pits theres enough for 1 each!!!! should shut the moaning old farts up for a while… still sure they will find something else to go on about POSITIVE THINKIN WILL CHANGE THE WORLD look forward to see ya all xxxxxx
“To be free of the ravages of intellect – a state of bliss indeed”
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