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Drug Test-Beating the System

Forums Drugs Drug Testing Drug Test-Beating the System

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  • So I recently got court ordered Urine Evaluations, and I’ve gotten a lot of different information on what exactly they test for, and how exact they are. I know they can test for marijuana, all opiates, ecstasy, all amphetamines, mushrooms (they show up as food poisoning) and all forms of cocaine.

    If you guys could help me out with what drugs cant be found on drug tests (not just crappy store bought ones mind) that would be awesome.


    I know Im pretty irresponsible, but i just want to clear some misconceptions up once and for all


    Please dont give information that you are not 150% sure is true. You could really screw me and possibly other people over on this one.


    Rage Life

    It depends on the bank being used, you’ll need to find out. The more expensive, the more they test for. All cover the common drugs. Large scale testing usually uses cheaper tests, but best you find the exact test being used, then you can check on exactly what it covers.






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Forums Drugs Drug Testing Drug Test-Beating the System