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Dubya…… whats YOUR thoughts??

Forums Life Politics, Media & Current Events Dubya…… whats YOUR thoughts??

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    Alright! …… I just wonder if this is how he reads his daily intelligence briefings?? ……… I fear for the fate of my country, for we have an idiot behind the wheel

    Dubya is no worse or better than any recent American President even though he has an intelligence level similar to that of Dan Quale-yknow the guy that spells potato with an e at the end and thought Middle America was Kansas!

    It’s who’s behind him that really worries me,as just as in this country,when new leaders or parties are elected the people with the real power dont change-top military, civil servants etc.

    Dubya does seem hell bent on a war with someone-looks like anyone will do-though as usual that will change when the body bags start coming home to Arlington…

    I’ll go with Track 4 ‘Woody Guthrie’ on Alabama3’s new album ‘Power In The Blood’

    Another psychopath in Iowa
    Loading up another round
    While the NRA in Columbine
    Hunt Marilyn Manson down
    Powder in the Pentagon
    Creul letters in the male
    Some KKK white supremacist
    Cooking up a dose of race hate

    Don’t need no country
    Don’t fly no flag
    Cut no slack for the union jack
    Stars & stripes have got me jet lagged

    Some baby in Afganistan crying for it’s mamma now
    While the BNP scare refugees senseless up in Oldam town
    Hypocrites in Downing Street, pouring petrol on the flames
    Saptel cries, asks Paddy why do we always get the blame

    Don’t need no country
    Don’t fly no flag
    Cut no slack for the union jack
    Stars & stripes have got me jet lagged

    Some mother in Jakarta lays down her weary head
    In some free trade zone compound
    where they work you ’til you’re dead
    Hunger stalks the corridors famine & disease
    I seen the multinationals walking hand in hand with globalising marketeers just about covers the extent to which i like dubya!

    I especially like this one:  -

    I think the last one is the best-looks like they were seperated at birth!

    dubbya has an IQ of i think 71, 74? he’s a dangerous man. He needs to be disposed of. Having said that, all the presidents have been thick, do they not realise the consquences of they’re actions? that they are almighty and untouchable?england needs to realise its part of europe not america don’t let us be dragged down into the mire with america. [Pissed off] [Sick!] [Messy]

    Hi Girlsonik,
    I couldnt agree more-seems to me as if Britain is well on the way to becoming the 51st state! [Sick!]

    Bush must realize he cannot serve 2 masters; He is a slave to power- power being the corporations that have this country in their pocket…. There was a report I saw last night: a former White House aide (who is actually a Bush supporter) said that during the past 2 yrs, there has been little concern of POLICY-making, the administration is much more interested in POLITICS….

    Just found this,might take a minute or two to load,but its worth it! [Tease]
    Oh..have your sound on!






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Forums Life Politics, Media & Current Events Dubya…… whats YOUR thoughts??