Forums › Rave › Free Parties & Teknivals › EastTek 2010
This thread discusses the East Teknival in 2010 and is continued from EASTTEK 2009…
2009 was great fun. Fantastic variety of music for a teknival. deffinitly going again this year. Site was a clearing in a forrest. Lush venue but a little cramped. Police werre sweat testing drivers on the way out and made a few arrests.
teknival east germany
all performers, soundsystems and people are invited.
all people M U S T take their trash in their own cars to the city.
alle kuenstler, soundsysteme und leute sind eingeladen.
alle leute M U E S S E N ihren muell in ihren eigenen autos in die stadt bringen.
tutti gli artisti, soundsystems e le persone sono invitate.
tutte le persone D E V O N O portare la propria spazzatura nelle proprie automobili in citta.
todos los artistas, soundsystems y las personas estan invitadas.
todas las personas D E B E N llevar su basura en sus propios automoviles a la ciudad.
tous les artistes, soundsystems et les gens sont invites.
toutes les personnes D O I V E N T prendre leurs ordures dans leur propre voiture a la ville.
5 language info post, people can’t say they weren’t told.
but if people have forgotten their rubbish, will the Germans provide it for them? :laugh_at:
(seriously thats a good idea to make it clear at the start. also I expect the Polizei aren’t really going to be wanting to deal with the hassle of searching a boatload of foreigners carrying bags full of rubbish..)
teknival east germany
easttek is NOT a festival, but a teknival. take your trash back to the city.
teknivals are not commercial festivals, there is no trash disposal. it is important to realize, that no one is responsible for your trash except you. there is no teknival trash, it is your trash, so you are responsible for taking it back to the city. taking back the trash to the city does NOT mean putting it in a trash bag and leaving it to people with big dirty trucks. take your trash, but it in a trash bag, CLOSE the trash bag and put it into YOUR car when you leave. it is YOUR trash.
das easttek ist kein festival, sondern ein teknival. nehmt euren müll mit zurück in die stadt.
teknivals sind keine kommerziellen festivals, es gibt keine müllentsorgung. es muss klar sein, dass niemand für euren müll verantwortlich ist außer euch. es gibt keinen teknival-müll, es ist euer müll und ihr seid verantwortlich, ihn mit zurück in die stadt zu nehmen.
den müll in die stadt mitzunehmen heißt NICHT, ihn in müllsäcke zu packen und für die leute mit großen, dreckigen lkws stehen zu lassen. nehmt euren müll, stopft ihn in müllsäcke, macht die müllsäcke zu und nehmt sie in EUREN autos mit, wenn ihr losfahrt. es ist EUER müll.
Need a ride from berlin to easttek for 2 persons. please contact me
if anyone is passing through from another country and wants to help Wolke this number will be 00 49 176 6829 2413 until (or unless) you are using a phone on a German network…
need a ride for 2 persons from berlin to easttek on friday.
i speak engl. french and german. No problems with us and we will pay for your troubles helping us out.
v praha czekam na address
in prague waiting for addresss directions….
Easttek as always near berlin in Brandenburg (land)
need two places from berlin to Easttek.
please pick us up. (I think the problems with infoline will get better in a few h)
I speak engl, french , german
please call 004917668292413
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Forums › Rave › Free Parties & Teknivals › EastTek 2010