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EDL – Very racist, watch this video/read this

Forums Life Politics, Media & Current Events EDL – Very racist, watch this video/read this

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  • @General Lighting 402416 wrote:

    There isn’t a country in the world with genuine free speech. Even so, no law can stop people being racist – the problem is when groups turn their thoughts and words into action and physically attack their rivals (which is against the law in any decent country).

    Anyone below the age of 30 will understandably not be aware of the major public order disturbances of the 1950s to the 1980s that happened across Europe (and still happen in some countries) – or the racial violence that even I remember in my childhood and teens.

    In those days men who were physically strong basically ran their streets and made it impossible for anyone else to go into some areas. The race of the dominant men varied depending upon the dominant racial group of each area, particularly in cities with mixed communities. What we have today is a lot safer for everyone and more equal than the streets of the 1970s or 1980s.

    Even in today’s Serbia last week the extreme right (their equivalent of EDL) basically trashed a gay pride march and put up a good fight against armed riot police. They also (in Italy!) got a football match stopped after a few minutes.

    right wing hooligans have trashed raves in the past (and/or infiltrated the security firms).

    The “political correctness” laws may seem like a hassle here but the alternative is your country being run by the hard men of the dominiant racial group, and/or constantly having riots and divided communities and old bill/soldiers/faith groups gaining the upper hand anyway as they are better trained more disciplined fighters.

    have you ever had any trouble?

    A few minor incidents since the war started (ironically mostly from my own age group or only slightly younger!) but nothing as bad yet as what I had at junior and middle school age. I do notice a decline in tolerance compared with say the late 1990s…

    From the late 1980s until 2001 it was almost as if racism had disappeared from this country and much of Europe. Of course the economy was in a much better state then.

    Consider that Muslims have been in this country for over a century and there wasn’t any of this extremism or racial division until comparatively recently. The problems were ignored in both East and West whilst there weren’t so many issues over oil but things have been getting worse..

    I think maybe the internet has had quite an impact on the information people pick up on and create their opinions from rather than a TV or newspaper which can be quite biased.

    With this i don’t mean people have found out that other races are inferior or anything just a lot more information about Islamic law which i personally find quite a scary thing and i’m not even female!!

    Internet discussions increasingly also tend to get balkanised into groups where people broadly agree with one another.

    The real threat to Europe isn’t so much Islamic law itself but an increasing trend towards authoritiarianism – most right wing groups want the strong control from above but replacing Islam with Christianity or simple blind obedience of strong authority and a patriarchal society.

    For instance in most East European communities with conservative communities, womens rights aren’t quite as strongly accepted as they are in West Europe – what the “EU law” says and what happens in the countries or even in the immigrant communities here are two entirely different things.

    just this morning I kicked out two Asian spammers (from East Asia) trying to spam porn some of which claimed to show women being dominated and treated badly for entertaintment (and may well be illegal in some EU countries) – and this certainly didn’t come from a Islamic Asian country.

    I see the same stuff with girls dominating boys though, it’s a fetish.

    some of it may be but the spammers show staged and sometimes real non-consensual acts. In most richer EU countries there is a certain amount of regulation of the sex industry – in Asia and Eastern Europe this does not exist. In any case spamming this content (or any other marketing) without permission shows a lack of respect for others culture, as in British / European culture its not seen acceptable to march uninvited into a groups social space and try and sell commercial products.

    I remember some guy who spammed my youtube, a proper sicko who spammed all black peoples youtube videos/accounts. BNP member from up north. his profile spoke in depth about how it turned him on to see Women die in lots of different ways, incredibly sick and this guy thought he was superior to people from outside the UK or not being white.

    Me and Cliffy reported him and many others i’m sure his account was deleted but funnily enough i SOMEHOW stumbled upon his new account a few months after with all the same crap on it.

    this is the real issue. the extreme right and the muslim fanatics are well matched enemies who feed off each other. Add to this a fuckload of angry blokes the world over, a lack of genuine consensus-based regulation over what should be permitted online, the net making it easy to also learn about weapons, fighting tactics and how to use them and some of what seems like tinfoil hat paranoia doesn’t seem so excessive after all..






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Forums Life Politics, Media & Current Events EDL – Very racist, watch this video/read this