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English or British?

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  • TBH if someone is already discriminating about where you could possibly be from its a bit pants innit? But lets face it, we could all be french.
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    err we are french ;),”rose by any other name” they was the last people that invaded and are still running the show for all intents and purposes.


    pno wrote:

    Yeah, I can see that in ya! hahahaha! 😛

    elraveon wrote:
    err we are french ;),”rose by any other name” they was the last people that invaded and are still running the show for all intents and purposes.

    i’m not french

    because i wasn’t born in france

    it’s not as complicated as people like to make out

    K_trina wrote:
    This is soo true!!

    But then seeing some of the people you can understand why!! I was watching a thing called “indian finish school” or something, where four english people are taught manners etc etc. And it was an embaressement! Arongant, stupid, mannerless chavs! And this is what the new perception of England is!! We are no longer respected!:rant:

    As far as im concerned theres no real national identity left in this country to be proud of. Obviously theres been things in the past to be proud of but most people would assume you’r some sort of right wing extremist if you started talkin about the war etc. But then maybe thats whats pushed people to create the party scene which we all know and love. If it all suddenly became popular and everyone was the same would it be as good?

    m45k1 wrote:
    If it all suddenly became popular and everyone was the same would it be as good?

    it would be a lot better

    it was mainstream in 1988

    K_trina wrote:
    Yeah, I can see that in ya! hahahaha! 😛

    The cheek! :bigsmile:

    I put down mixed race because i was born here but my parents are irish but one grandfather is english and a bit further back the’re jewish and on the other side they’re danish and even further back there a a few gypsies thrown in for measure:)

    FrOoOts wrote:
    I put down mixed race because i was born here but my parents are irish but one grandfather is english and a bit further back the’re jewish and on the other side they’re danish and even further back there a a few gypsies thrown in for measure:)

    Sounds like they need to introduce the human equivelant of the dogs Heinz 57 breed innit.:satisfied

    gavsta wrote:
    Sounds like they need to introduce the human equivelant of the dogs Heinz 57 breed innit.:satisfied

    lol i am talking about over a few hunderd years :bigsmile:

    andy ridgeway wrote:
    i’m not french

    because i wasn’t born in france

    it’s not as complicated as people like to make out

    it was a joke, and wasnt supposed to be complecated sorry it was for you tho


    FrOoOts wrote:
    lol i am talking about over a few hunderd years :bigsmile:

    Now thats evolution. 😉

    elraveon wrote:
    it was a joke, and wasnt supposed to be complecated sorry it was for you tho

    oh right.

    a joke.

    i’m sorry if i don’t find taking pride in my heritage a laughing matter.

    FrankieButler wrote:
    It’s true though – people always assume that blondes are Swedes

    Yep, I’m blonde and i get called swedish….

    was in sweden a few weeks ago as it happens. top country… wanna go back soon as i can!

    I wouldn’t really say I’m british as that, to me, gives a cheesy image of sovereignity, stiff upper lips & that silly hat-wearing old bat waving from the window of her carriage… that and the fact that i’ve lived in scotland and would not like to tar myself with the same brush as them lot. Not to mention the welsh. so yer, i’m english :bigsmile:






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Forums Life English or British?