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English or British?

Forums Life English or British?

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  • im an Australian born British citizen with a New Zealand passport….


    elraveon wrote:
    I think I answered the above questions. in brief as englishmen we should be ashamed of our class system and the mayhem it has thrust on the world over the centuries and right up to today.

    oh come on

    you think that england has the monopoly on a class system??

    andy ridgeway wrote:
    oh come on

    you think that england has the monopoly on a class system??

    tell that to a hindu innit

    dan u wrote:
    tell that to a hindu innit

    only if he’s a Vaisyas or above

    otherwise he can stfu and fetch my fucking bhaji.


    class systems exist all over the world, they are a manisfestation of the distribution of wealth.

    you can rail against it by all means, and imo it is changing at an accelerating speed, but don’t try and claim it as an english invention, because it’s not…

    andy ridgeway wrote:
    only if he’s a Vaisyas or above

    otherwise he can stfu and fetch my fucking bhaji.



    i worked with a guy who was a Brahmin once. he got muchos lady love from the community.

    andy ridgeway wrote:
    oh come on

    you think that england has the monopoly on a class system??

    no of course not. they got their own shame and it dosent make ours any less.

    andy ridgeway wrote:
    class systems exist all over the world, they are a manisfestation of the distribution of wealth.

    you can rail against it by all means, and imo it is changing at an accelerating speed, but don’t try and claim it as an english invention, because it’s not… I never said it was an english invention, we were talking about england and your pride in its crimes

    Quote+somebody wrote}WWII is not as clear cut as it seems and what it was about is linked with national disputes and power struggles above and beyond Hitler.

    Exactly . . . think of America and bush guys :rant:


    ST George till i fukin die :alcoholic

    Martian!! :alien_abd

    Anglo or Briton or Gael or Scot or Pict or welsh or Cornish

    would be more fair

    CT23 wrote:
    Anglo or Briton or Gael or Scot or Pict or welsh or Cornish

    would be more fair

    you mean White though

    you’re just dressing it up in different words, to skirt the issue.

    White but evolved on different sides of the continent

    Germanic Vs Gaelic

    Norse is another derivative I supose

    I usually say I’m Welsh when I’m abroad, as you get treated a lot better generally, than if you say you are British or English.






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Forums Life English or British?