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Extracting DMT

Forums Drugs DMT Extracting DMT

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  • oh they will be comming, also along with a video. I will hold off on the pictures until I get everything needed. I am just about ready to start the whole process. Has ANYBODY ever even tried DMT or a form of DMT?

    hey man. i gave my testimony for DMT, every man to his own. i’ve heard from a lot of people that dig it. seems like one of those things that the more you do it, the less scary it gets. but i was freaked out. i like acid and mushrooms as much as the next guy, but DMT put me in my place. bizarre shit. i guess it was kind of a humbling experience. made me feel like i wasn’t “up for anything”. If that makes any sense. best of luck to you. be sure to do any sort of tests or whatever is available before you start putting home made chemicals into your body. would really hate to hear of a fellow psychedelic enthusiast dead because of experimenting.


    and good luck.


    Thank you for your concern. This is the procedure I am going to follow. I will do the extraction exactley as how it is written. If all goes well I should end up with DMT crystals. I don’t think I will ingest any of it if it isn’t in crystal form or it has taken on a different form.

    My biggest concern is breathing in any chemicals that have gone air borne. I will do all mixing of chemicals outdoors where there is lots of fresh air.

    In the extraction guide it says to use a 4.5L wine jug. My country is using the metric system so all of our jugs are 4L. I didn’t want to settle for anything more or less so I searched and ended up in my grandfathers wine celler, and sure enough there was a 4.5L wine jug. This is an example of me doing everything just as it is in the extracion procedure.

    Ok well I have acquired everything needed for the extraction. Some were harder to get than others but non the less I have them all. Here is a list and a picture of everything you will need.

    450-500g Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark
    4.5L Wine Jug
    1L White Vinegar
    4L Distilled water
    63g Sodium Hydroxide
    250mL Naptha
    1/2 Pt Clear non-soapy Ammonium Hydroxide
    Measuring Instruments

    I will do the extraction on Monday and video tape the entire process. And post my results so stay tuned.

    :weee: :weee: :weee:

    no reply yet with that video… think he’s dead?:yakk:

    daft wrote:
    no reply yet with that video… think he’s dead?:yakk:

    nah, both setting up a complicated chemistry experiment and capturing/editing videos takes time – perhaps more time than mushroom man budgeted for..

    well I can safley say I am not dead. Everything has gone as planned so far.

    Letting the layers seperate

    and then I syphined off the top clear layer

    Now I just let it percipitate in the freezer for 3 days and then wash the crystals with Ammonia, if there are even crystals.

    I chose not to video tape the process because I want to nail it 1st. Then start filming, if this works then I will make a documentary video on how to extract DMT from natural sources.

    Mushroom Man wrote:
    I chose not to video tape the process because I want to nail it 1st. Then start filming, if this works then I will make a documentary video on how to extract DMT from natural sources.

    also I’d suggest make you sure your edited footage does not show anything identifiable about yourself; as you are creating actual evidence of production of a Schedule III substance…

    I understand Canada has fairly good privacy protection laws and you are only making a small amount of a substance which isn’t that popular on the party scene merely for personal use (in England this would probably only get you a caution) but its still filming a “crime” and putting it up on the internet.

    same as making the substance, the level of risk you wish to take is up to you…

    I understand all that.

    BUT I do have some good news, today is day 1 in the freezer and the precious DMT crystals have already started to form in the jar.

    665 takes a seat,3 boxes of Sour&Onions Pringles,and is watchin’ LIVE the fascinating home-making of class +++ drug!!!
    Incredible!I enjoy my century,really!!!



    well today I rinse the crystals with an ammonia water solution. Here is what they look like drying.:weee:

    Close Up

    Gosh!!!!I’m impressed!!!!

    Continue,continue,it’s better than all the TV shows I’ve seen…

    (665 claps his hands)


    go on mushroom man! real educational programming!






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Forums Drugs DMT Extracting DMT