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  • @p0ly 399636 wrote:


    It’s basicaly a backwards motor .. you turn the spindal with the handle and it makes electrisity.

    cool tho this is it will be so wasteful compared to using a cable, cant really see how we can justify it given we’re trying to become more environmentally sustainable… maybe when we nail nuclear fusion we could use such products guilt free

    its more of a gimmick than anything and to encourage supplier lock in/more consumption. The main annoyance with portable equipment charging isn’t that they need wired connections but you need a different charger for each item.

    for instance in my panniers today I have a mobile phone charger, and a charger for my camera. And another for my netbook.. There should be a fourth one to power a small NiMH battery charger, but I forgot it :rant:

    there’s the e-bike charger too but I can forgive this one being proprietary as its 42 volts at 3A so not exactly “small”…

    but why not just make more portable devices what charge up via a USB connection (many already do?), and/or a universal charger for these? This technology (DC-DC converters) has existed for 25 years now.

    @General Lighting 399706 wrote:

    its more of a gimmick than anything and to encourage supplier lock in/more consumption. The main annoyance with portable equipment charging isn’t that they need wired connections but you need a different charger for each item.

    for instance in my panniers today I have a mobile phone charger, and a charger for my camera. And another for my netbook.. There should be a fourth one to power a small NiMH battery charger, but I forgot it :rant:

    there’s the e-bike charger too but I can forgive this one being proprietary as its 42 volts at 3A so not exactly “small”…

    but why not just make more portable devices what charge up via a USB connection (many already do?), and/or a universal charger for these? This technology (DC-DC converters) has existed for 25 years now.

    If you break a charger that’s unique to the phone you have bought .. you have to buy one exactly the same off the people who make them … If they made there item have a universal charger .. they would loose millions of £’s they make from selling replacement chargers that are specific to there own items (I would imagin).

    I recon it’s that exact reason they stopped making sets of chargers that worked in alot of dif items that charged on the same volts … I used to have a 12v DC power lead that fitted three diferant electrical items all made by diferant people about 10 years ago … nowdays even some nokia phne chargers are not a standard “nokia” charger type (alltho this may allso have something to do with the size of the phones now days)

    @DaftFader 399717 wrote:

    If you break a charger that’s unique to the phone you have bought .. you have to buy one exactly the same off the people who make them … If they made there item have a universal charger .. they would loose millions of £’s they make from selling replacement chargers that are specific to there own items (I would imagin)

    Except the Chinese clone the designs anyway (or they are leaked out from the main factories) to undercut the original manufacturers so they don’t make as much profit anyway… for instance even Tescos is selling replacement chargers which clearly aren’t made by the phone manufacturers but some generic Chinese place.

    most phone chargers, laptop PSUs, camera chargers and other similar small DC PSU’s all come from the same set of factories in China and have the same electronics in the plug top, its only the electric plug (which is different around the world) and the DC connector at the other end whish varies within a batch of chargers of the same power output range (as you would of course need a bigger one for a laptop compared to a small mobile..)

    if the companies all worked together they could share out the profit from the sale of the power supplies as all the gadgets would need at least one anyway..

    @General Lighting 399720 wrote:

    Except the Chinese clone the designs anyway (or they are leaked out from the main factories) to undercut the original manufacturers so they don’t make as much profit anyway… for instance even Tescos is selling replacement chargers which clearly aren’t made by the phone manufacturers but some generic Chinese place.

    most phone chargers, laptop PSUs, camera chargers and other similar small DC PSU’s all come from the same set of factories in China and have the same electronics in the plug top, its only the electric plug (which is different around the world) and the DC connector at the other end whish varies within a batch of chargers of the same power output range (as you would of course need a bigger one for a laptop compared to a small mobile..)

    if the companies all worked together they could share out the profit from the sale of the power supplies as all the gadgets would need at least one anyway..

    the phone companies are meant to be bringing out a universal charger.

    @General Lighting 399720 wrote:

    Except the Chinese clone the designs anyway (or they are leaked out from the main factories) to undercut the original manufacturers so they don’t make as much profit anyway… for instance even Tescos is selling replacement chargers which clearly aren’t made by the phone manufacturers but some generic Chinese place.

    most phone chargers, laptop PSUs, camera chargers and other similar small DC PSU’s all come from the same set of factories in China and have the same electronics in the plug top, its only the electric plug (which is different around the world) and the DC connector at the other end whish varies within a batch of chargers of the same power output range (as you would of course need a bigger one for a laptop compared to a small mobile..)

    if the companies all worked together they could share out the profit from the sale of the power supplies as all the gadgets would need at least one anyway..

    Yeah I guess after the clones came out the need for item specific chargers was greatly reduced .. but if they bring out a universal one that’ll just get cloned and they will loose out on even more cash!

    @DaftFader 399728 wrote:

    Yeah I guess after the clones came out the need for item specific chargers was greatly reduced .. but if they bring out a universal one that’ll just get cloned and they will loose out on even more cash!

    there wouldn’t be any point “cloning” a universal charger as the design would be the same for all the companies, just like a mains plug or the mains lead you get with most equipment.

    The companies making the real chargers and the “clone” chargers are often linked 😉

    All the phone manufacturers have to do is put aside their differences all invest in the same companies making chargers and take their share of the profits – even rivals do do this (for instance Nikon and Sony put the same image sensor chip in many of their cameras…).

    Companies like Foxconn make gadgets for many different brands anyway all from the same components…

    @General Lighting 399731 wrote:

    there wouldn’t be any point “cloning” a universal charger as the design would be the same for all the companies, just like a mains plug or the mains lead you get with most equipment.

    The companies making the real chargers and the “clone” chargers are often linked 😉

    All the phone manufacturers have to do is put aside their differences all invest in the same companies making chargers and take their share of the profits – even rivals do do this (for instance Nikon and Sony put the same image sensor chip in many of their cameras…).

    Companies like Foxconn make gadgets for many different brands anyway all from the same components…

    I ment the phone companies not the charger companies. they add like an extra £5-10 easy (probably even more) onto what they are buying the chargers for … the proper ones you can get with the phones manufacturers logo’s on are well expensive normaly!

    alltho they are loosing cash to the copy’s .. it’s allmost like pirating dvd’s … they loose cash .. but are still making cash from selling over priced official chargers.

    If there was a universal one … it would be alot easyer for some one to copy and sell it cheeper as they wouldn’t have to cater for however many billions of diferant phones there are … and all phone companies would be effected by this. It’s possable for one good quality copy that undercuts the price of the “official” charger direct from the phone manufacturers to totaly wipe out most of the demand for the official one – unless the manufacturers lower the price and they arn’t going to want to do that.

    The companies what are capable of making a good quality copy of a charger (i.e one what is safe to use across the world) are the same ones what make the official chargers for the mobile firms. the phone companies concentrate on making phones and subcontract the manufacturer of the charger to another company. These usually have obscure Chinese names and turn out mains to low voltage DC chargers by the container load and specialise in these (rather than phones, cameras or anything else).

    it is them who are also making the clones…

    the phone manufacturers don’t like this, but they can’t really do anything about it. This is why as 1984 mentions some are talking about a universal charger anyway, I just wish they’d hurry up about it. as all gadgets would come with one charger anyway and most have enough battery time to last the day so the charger can normally be kept in one place, I don’t think that the replacement market is that large….

    one other issue is you do not want these things to be too cheaply made, as they run on 230v mains electricity and could shock people or set on fire if not up to safety standards which is also why companies want control over who makes the chargers…

    Then again its not exactly rocket science. we have after all standardised sizes of batteries, mains connectors (at least within a country), stuff like USB connectors, bluetooth (sort of!). I expect there will be one main pattern of charger soon (just as how most digital cameras use a SD card nowadays)

    I was going to go on to say that they wouldn’t make replacement chargers if it didn’t make them any money – but it sounds like this is becoming the case anyway (alltho the fact they are so expensive sais they don’t sell enough anyway).

    What it would do to benifit some phone companies would be to make a universal charger for a group of manifacturers and if your phone company wasn’t part of this group not alow them to use the charger design. There for pushing the appeal of the other phones out side the group down as they wouldn’t be able to charge there phone up round a mates for example … I know this was a big + for nokia users back in the day and some people even bought nokias specificaly for this reason. It was a very good selling point.

    yep – I remember that, then Nokia stupidly changed the dimensions of the DC output connector once if not twice (as well as making phones with bloated and flakey software…)

    I’ve still got an oldschool nokia my self .. (the one with the indicators on it :laugh_at:) Can’t beat ’em for durability! 😉

    this looks quite cool – charger using wifi energy…

    RCA Airnergy Charger Lets You Charge Devices With Wi-Fi

    I bought a cheap PS3 controller from china, doesn’t have bluetooth so needs to be plugged in at all times, good seeing as i rarely play 2 player games and the ones i mainly do you pass the controller over each turn. 40 quid for a damn ps3 controller!! 6 quids a bargain, the ebay police stopped it being sold a day after i bought it telling me to get a refund, fuck you money grabbing Sony, 40 quid is ridiculous for 1 controller.






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