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Favourite UK Prescription Drug

Forums Drugs Over the Counter & Prescription Drugs Favourite UK Prescription Drug

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  • Haha, I’m from the UK aswell, Bonnie Scotland to be precise ��

    Hmmmmm, the Scotland just north of me is rainy and alcoholic but maybe it looks bonnier when you’re there and pissed lol. I live in the north east near duham.

    @Still Game 598882 wrote:

    I’ve never tried either of them, I’ve been taking Morphine ( MST & Sevredol ) along with Pregabalin and Amytriptolene for the say couple of years , have you tried these?

    Who likes Elavil?????

    Elavil = amitryptilene RaD? Was prescribed that for a while but other than almost killing myself with an overdose got zero effect for them. Also I wasn’t prescribed it for pain but for depression or whatever bollocks they said I had at the time.

    @RaD 598942 wrote:

    Who likes Elavil?????

    fuck TCAs in my humble opinion, although I could get down on some Lyrica

    How many Lyrica would you normally take to enjoy yourself – based on 300mg tablets

    @Still Game 599004 wrote:

    How many Lyrica would you normally take to enjoy yourself – based on 300mg tablets

    never had it but heard its a fun time; how much do you use typically?

    I usually take them with MST/Sevredol and Amitryptolene so usually just around 2, or if just on their own up to 4 over the course of the day. Even with taking 2 with some booze is good aswell. I guess we all like different things and different levels of being out of it. Are you in the UK?


    Yeah he’s just flaunting the point of the thread as he has never seen a UK prescription med :rolleyes:

    I’m sure that some of the many prescription drugs I’ve taken came from the same factory as the UK ones at some point

    Yeah but ours gome for a nominal fee on the NHS, you have to be raoed by an insurance company if you want meds.

    but we’ve got Obama Care now everything is gonna be ok

    Yeah, until after the next election probably.

    Definately have to be subutex in 1st place, diazepam in 2nd place and dex-amphetamines in 3rd.





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Forums Drugs Over the Counter & Prescription Drugs Favourite UK Prescription Drug