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Fire Fox

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  • Digital-A wrote:
    it was tremendous when i had it, something went wrong with it and i havent had it since … kind of a shame as IE hates partyvibe chat room and forums :yakk: plus firefox has a nicer layout … if that matters 🙂

    just download it again… it’s free… which is another big advantage

    raj directed me through it again and it just wont have it … it doesnt even show up on ”removable programs”

    FireFox is ace… IE7 completely ripped it off, tabbed browsin and layout was completely nicked!

    I have been using Mozilla for so many years now that I actually struggle to use IE [despite them copying a load of Mozilla’s functionality :laugh_at:]

    jiminey cricket= whats so good about

    :groucho: guessed it mite mean that!

    erm, tabbed browsin, quicker to run, easier naviagtion, search tools are better intergrated, free add-ons that let you do loads

    and its not feedin the monopoly that is microsoft 😉

    And it’s open source, which means if you have the knowledge and don’t like something, you can go and re-write it.

    Result is a huge developer community – the core functionalities are a tiny install and relatively easy to debug if something isn’t working properly, and most of the “features” that you find in closed monolithic codebases (the kind that cause companies to release service pack after service pack to address bugs not found until it has been let loose on the public) are contained in a standardised extensions system that you can choose to download and use or not as you choose.

    Every one can be disabled in the tools bar if it causes a problem or turns out to be just plain junk, and is excluded at start if you do so.

    I’ve been running firefox since it was called firebird (and was still in pre release on version 0.2), and wouldn’t ever go back to IE – the only time I use IE is when a website is badly programmed, and will only support IE browsers (at which point I use an extension called “open in IE tab” to open it in firefox and then go and send an email to the site webmaster telling them to get their act together:weee:)

    Open source software is the way forward – You only need to take a look through to get a good idea why.






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