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Belguim is no more or less safe than before. Sadly the acts of terrorism, while very small in real terms and very infrequent, terrorize the mind, exacerbated by the media and government causing this sort of hysteria. Very sad.
@MrsRobinson 973871 wrote:
Almost more scarry than funny :laugh_at:
in the late 1970s/early 1980s some commercial ITV regions were actually like that (Thatcho did not like BBC but she left it mostly alone, she was however was very supportive of commercial TV channels especially after their bosses broke a strike by trade unions by taking over the TV studios themselves).
As well as playing the National Anthem on all the channels before shutting down the transmitters at night (no 24 hour TV until late 1980s) I’m sure some also used to also show pictures of Thatcho as well as the Royal Family (especially in the richer rural areas; we used to have 16 ITV regions and each one had a different style of programmes and presentation).
I had to wait around at work for a few hours to check the extra earth I put on some network equipment was stopping it from acting up (there is building work in progress which has caused even more power quality problems). So I thought I might as well test this emergency exit (it would only be used if all the stairwells were inacessible as you would have to wait on the flat roof for the Fire Brigade to rescue you!)
apologies for poor lighting; I only had my phone camera for the video and couldn’t find any stronger lamps for the flat roof – it is cold and muddy out there as well; and I had to do that twice to get the right viewpoints…
you might need to be a certain age to see why I picked the music 😉
So, you had some dodgy wiring and you decided to hide your shoddy work by covering it in earth and expecting nobody to notice eh GL you lazy bugger.
@General Lighting 974480 wrote:
I had to wait around at work for a few hours to check the extra earth I put on some network equipment was stopping it from acting up (there is building work in progress which has caused even more power quality problems). So I thought I might as well test this emergency exit (it would only be used if all the stairwells were inacessible as you would have to wait on the flat roof for the Fire Brigade to rescue you!)
apologies for poor lighting; I only had my phone camera for the video and couldn’t find any stronger lamps for the flat roof – it is cold and muddy out there as well; and I had to do that twice to get the right viewpoints…
you might need to be a certain age to see why I picked the music 😉
Never had you down as the ‘out of window jumperer’ kind……well, haven’t I learnt something :laugh_at:
This is from the commercial TV 30 years ago in the area where Tryptameanie lives – when I first spoke to him on the phone I’d expected him to speak a lot more like the chaps in “Auf Wiedersehen Pet” although this programme was made in the East Midlands and London and only one character was from the North East (the writer was from Stockton on Tees).
On all ITV regions you would always get some other posh people talking about the Church of England, followed by the National Anthem and the announcer would remind people to turn off the TV set and pull out the plug. This was because there were still a lot of old 1960s/70s era British made TV sets which had a flaw in their design; if left switched on without a TV signal the line output stage that made the very strong voltages required in the picture tube could “run away” and overheat; and the TV might even set on fire!
Can’t see anything wrong with that. I do it the same way with my deep-freezer :biggreen:
More vodka!!!!!!!!!!!!!
found this today (didn’t even know it was also released in German); they’ve even left in Shun Gons bit (sometimes removed for political correctness, although every Asian I’ve known has never been offended by him and are usually reminded of their Dads or uncles, and the far worse behaved Siamese in Lady and the Tramp remain in that movie)
They’ve even got the accent right for someone of Asian ancestry who lives on the NL/DE border :laugh_at:
they’ve even improved on Shun Gon’s lyrics; this time round they are
Shanghai, HongKong und Chop Suey…
Zwei, Drei, Vier und daraus bist Du-iee!
(2,3,4 and out you go!!)
Germany (similar to many Asian countries and Scandinavia) is in fact a matriarchal society (they like pianos as well); they even use the same word “Die Tante” (Auntie) for any older woman (who may not be a blood relative) including the electronic voices you hear on satnavs, communication equipment etc…
But if there is one thing these aunties do not usually tolerate its cats jumping on pianos and making a racket :laugh_at:
NL cat fetches a ringing GSM phone 🙂
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