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    I’m planning to buy a computer for gaming and I’ve found a model that I like.
    It’s an all-in-one PC from HP.

    These are the specs.
    Intel i3-540 duel-core processor (3.06GHz)
    750GB Memory
    1GB NVIDIA GeForce GT230M

    Does anybody have experience with this graphic card?

    I was wondering if I could play WoW on ultra mode, Starcraft 2, GTA4, etc.

    Give me some advice please! :bounce_fl

    Not that bad a card tbh … nvidia have releaced some mind boggling ones recently tho .. but I’ve learnt to stear clear of brand new releaces as they tend to not have all faults ironed out of them .. best to go with second or third generation vertions of the thing. so probably best to get one that’s not “hot off the press” so to speak.

    I’d deffo opt for more ram if poss tho as It’s not too expensive but when high end gaming you want a fair lump of it. That was the mistake I made when building this pc i use now. Alltho the actualy mistake was buying vista which eats up about 3GB on it’s own! (but this was b4 win 7 was out so had not much choice) ..

    On the down side HP are shit! So are most pre built pc manifacturers (alot of them use,other then the stated parts, shitty components eg. shit mother boards that break fucking well easy and there’s only one type you can buy that’ll work in your pc bla bla bla. – It’s happened to me b4 and a few mates)- If you know anyone who can build a P.C. I would highly sugest you get them to knock you one together – (you’ll probably save a few squid too that way!)

    “750GB Memory” you mean Hard Disk space right?

    4gb ram is fine, doubt ull need more than that anyway. and yeah that graphics card should run pretty much everything

    @Buzz 397599 wrote:

    4gb ram is fine, doubt ull need more than that anyway. and yeah that graphics card should run pretty much everything

    “Fine” isn’t what he wants tho .. he wants supper quality! I’ve got 6GB of very decent ram and it isn’t enough for me – I like fast fast fast! – alltho that translates into about 4GB as I’m using vista.

    Another thing tho .. Don’t play wow! (Or this’ll be the last bit of advice you get from me!!! :crazy_dru)

    no, thats insanity. you dont need that much ram……for anything. even playing crysis in high res should be fine with 4gb…..

    if you wanna utilise the full 4GB you need to make sure you get the 64Bit version of Windows (7 or whatever) – 32Bit can only access 3Gb, even though on most brand name computers they disguise this fact by showing that it’s got 4Gb installed – if you look at the system config you’ll see available memory is only 3Gb – it’s a con!

    it’s worth looking at custom pcs and configuring your own – could work out cheaper than HP or you’ll get better for the same money – Leading supplier of Computer Hardware are pretty good. If you can afford it go for i7 930 cpu with a Radeon 5870 gpu – will be future proof for some time.

    @parrotfish 397676 wrote:

    it’s worth looking at custom pcs and configuring your own – could work out cheaper than HP or you’ll get better for the same money – Leading supplier of Computer Hardware are pretty good. If you can afford it go for i7 930 cpu with a Radeon 5870 gpu – will be future proof for some time.

    sorry, daft already suggested this…I should read the full thread!

    Oh yeah that’s a good point you need 64 bit as extra ram is pointless!

    My motherboard has a total space for 24GB ram and I’m gonna fill it all up mwahahaha!

    alltho you really don’t need 24GB of ram I’m just a bit obsessive!

    I’d say mby stick in another 2GB ram if you’re using Win 7 Just to cater for memory spikes from a mixture of background aps and other silly shit computors do whilst playing FPS online games that really fucking piss me off on my set up NEED MORE RAM STUPID VISTA WANK POO!

    Rant over!

    I’ve got the i7 940 and it’s SHIT HOT! (not litteraly as that wouldn’t be good. :laugh_at:)

    cool – I just ordered a i7 930 overclocked with 12gb ram and the ati 5870 (wondering if it’s worth getting 2 crossfired…not sure) – can’t wait to get home and get it set up.

    I’ll probably end up getting 24gb too…just coz I can coz I’m obsessive like you 🙂

    daft what exactly do you use your computer for? with that processor and ram i find it hard to believe you can have problems running anything, even if its vista…..have you disabled all the shit that vista tries to make you use?

    haha nice 😀

    I’ve got a gtx 295 and wish I had got two … alltho tbh I actualy wish I’d waited till they had ironed the creases out b4 I bought it.

    But then again I’m a hardcore geek face when it comes to this shit lol! so more is better even if i not need it.


    Vid rendering takes it’s toll and rendering 3d models would make it creak I’m sure (as it would on most machines under 5G)

    For some reason tho fps games don’t react like they should all the time on something like this.

    alltho I’m not sure my GFX card is quite right as it doesn’t handle what i would expect it should …

    I think it over heats too much as it’s the first generation and that inturn makes it seem like i need more ram when doing gfx shit (possably) .. I’m still gonna buy more ram tho just to make sure. lol!

    allso gonna get some liqued cooling and mby dare overclock a little.

    hopefully this should make it run EXACTLY how I want it too.

    yeah I think I turned most of vistas shit off .. but then again I’ve reinstalled windows so many times (fucking dodgy torrents) I forget!

    definitely worth upgrading to Windows 7 (64) if you’re on Vista – makes a big difference.

    I was in the beta testing .. I keep forgeting to buy it when I’ve got cash lol.

    You’re actualy right it did run ten times better .. iirc i7 cores work diferantly with win 7 as they are utalised properly (something about the cores working in unison rather then one taking all the payload then overspilling to the next one alot more efficiantly). They were made for each other. mby this is the problem.

    would love to see that running with 24gb ram – would fly!!






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