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Getting off Methadone and STAYING clean

Forums Drugs Quitting, Rehab & Detox Getting off Methadone and STAYING clean

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  • Im 24 year old now but my intro to the drug life began at 16 with G. I smoked it for 2 years straight running around, smoking, hustling, scamming, smoking, cleaning my apartment, smoking more and seeing shadow people just about everyday since I maybe slept 3 days total in a months time. I got clean at 18 (by clean I mean smoking bud and Thizzin here and there) A year later I shot up heroin and never looked back (had smoked it 1 time at 17 and it was so disgusting) .

    Naturally the homie was against gettin7g me hooked on the needle, but I refused to smoke it and demanded that if he didn’t shoot me up I was just gonna do it my damn self and possibly die since I had no idea what to do and just guilt tripped him so bad that I gave him no choice.

    Now 5 years, thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars, and a lengthy prison stay (in comparison to my young life) later I am on Methadone and have been for 4 months now.

    Heroin has her cold hard grip on a part of my soul and I want it back. But let me tell you, this bitch is ruthless- as anyone that shares my love for the sweet sweet numbness and total lack of emotions that she provides is very familiar with. It’s not being dope sick that I cant take, I can do that cold turkey, dying on the couch at home, time and time again because it will always be better than doing it on the concrete floor of a 10×10 freezing, smelly, dirty cell with 45 women packed in, watching you, asking what’s wrong with you non-stop, their idiotic comments / questions such as “why would you wanna do that if it makes you sick like that?” and your bitchy reply of “so when I am around stupid bitches like you, I am relaxed enough that I don’t wanna slit my fucking throat!”

    Anyways fighting a dumb fat bitch while dopesick in a tiny cell doesn’t scare me but once was enough and I choose to withstand the misery in my own home where I am free to smoke like a chimney and vomit without comment. The problem is: I only feel normal when I am doing some kind of drug. Normal is not “Normal” for this girl. Its as if something is always missing.

    For now the mathadone really helps by giving me the feeling that I am still doing something, I also do G here and there…its kinda like a “lesser of two evils thing” for me because as long as I don’t dance with that black, enveloping and seductive whore I keep my little life functioning and with continued improvement.

    ALAS, THE ADVICE I SEEK IS: how will I ever get off of methadone and not go back to heroin? Its always the insomnia and waking up drenched in sweat weeks after detoxing that breaks me, the horror of knowing I will never pull back that plunger and see it register, making my heart race a little in anticipation of the rush Im about to feel (btw I speedball w/coke).

    I feel as though this will never end and in order to keep my little life Im rebuilding I will have to stay on methadone forever because relapsing is “my thing” I swear!

    I have had good chunks of clean time, after prison I honestly believed in my heart that I was done so my faith in my own recovery is virtually nonexistent. If methadone worked for you I would love hear your story and any words of wisdom you have for me. Sorry so long but I feel as though background and an idea of just how much I adore the feeling heroin brings me and how I despise who it makes me was neccessary.



    have an acquaintance who was on methadone bc of heroin and he eventually got off methadone and is now clean, only way is because of a xanex prescription.


    @cozmic 563734 wrote:


    cause everyone knows where the ibogaine is at…

    its def the best option but may not be available to all.

    never heard of ibogaine…?

    its a controlled substance in the USA (perhaps as much so as heroin and methadone themselves) and various other countries outside Europe so not always available, and its use in addiction treatment is not without risks including serious/life-threatening side effects.

    methadone treatment is widely used as a substitute to street heroin in European countries, the health service prescribe it although its in a form that is heavily diluted with syrup (to make the addicts obtain it in a large bulky bottle so it is difficult to hoard/divert)

    I am no doctor but suspect the amount of sugar in it is as bad for health or worse than the amount of drugs!

    I’ve known a fair few people to be on methadone as treatment but not sure if any of them ever got 100% “clean” as such, I guess some must have though it seems to be usually after they find something else to occupy their free time like employment, family duties or religion and/or get bored of the shaming factor of constant visits to the pharmacy (drugstore) in US and hauling round that big heavy bottle under the eyes of half the town and CCTV etc (nothing else in this country appears to be dispensed in such a vessel).

    One problem in the UK (not sure if its the same in USA or elsewhere) is that folk in small communities spy on one another and have their own ways of judging who might be a threat/risk to their community/business which get round the otherwise strict European privacy laws; and its thus very difficult for an ex-addict to get employment in the same area they consumed drugs in, at the same time very hard for them to relocate and not lapse back into addiction..

    I’ve come off methadone twice, the first was a breeze, the second time was total misery, it’s an effect called kindling whereby each subsequent attempt at detox becomes more painful. (see here; Kindling (sedative-hypnotic withdrawal) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

    The killer factor was the length of time it took to get rid of the evil body pain / discomfort / sleep deprivation and the mental shock of being sedative free. My suffering went into a second month before calming down. I know in my heart that I couldn’t cope again, especially as the effects would magnify.

    So fear, honesty and logic keep me away from that problem, so what to do instead? Ive kept myself straight ish with doctor prescribed codeine, first time I was lucky and had a doctor who served up dihydrocodeine, I quit that one time and stepped down to codeine phosphate, both were prescribed for an exaggerated back problem. If I didnt get them prescribed I’d just buy Co Codamol and do a cold water extraction, a decent buzz for £1.50.

    It takes a long while to change your headspace so your alternative should be a least harmful as you can lay your hands on. When you do feel a bit of a change of attitude it’ll be time to possibly consider counselling ( I did 9 months of CBT) and exercise which I’m doing right now.

    I’m 50 years old so its safe to say Ive had a while to try a few things out that would allow me to avoid the old bollocks of willpower, attitude and exercise but sadly theres not. I’m more than lucky to have the added incentive of becomming a father, better late than never eh? 😉 thats giving me the willpower to change my attitude and Ive got to say it that after 5 gym visits I reckon those natural endorphins might be good enough abuse regularly ^_^

    Bottom line, I reckon, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, having done the jail bit you have got some toughness about you, channel it, its going to be your strength that changes your life, nothing else.

    Good luck!






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Forums Drugs Quitting, Rehab & Detox Getting off Methadone and STAYING clean