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  • Ok so being the good citizen I am I just went and gave blood today. I read through all the leaflets etc looking for anything that said you couldn’t give blood if you smoked marijuana…the only mention of drugs is questions on injected drugs. So basically I was wondering if your ok to give blood when you smoke marijuana and take pills and stuff? I’ve taken nothing intoxicating in the past 7 days if that helps…

    You’ll probably be ok. Ain’t like they can do you for it anyways! At the very least whoever gets your blood will have a nice little trip! :weee:

    DJCliffy;232351 wrote:
    You’ll probably be ok. Ain’t like they can do you for it anyways! At the very least whoever gets your blood will have a nice little trip! :weee:

    Lol, aye they run a whole bunch of tests on the blood before its given to a patient, just not sure whether mine will pass all those tests given the circumstances :crazy:

    that would be jokes to take like 4 trips and then give blood .. the person would get mashed if they let any one have it xD

    IV drug users are high risk for diseases that are transfered by blood, that’s the only reason they care.

    It’s the same for the ”have you ever had anal intercourse with another man” question; they’re not doing it because they’re weird conservatives or whatever, they only care that it increases likelyhood of collecting tainted blood.

    they test for hiv, hep A,B and c etc

    I’m guessing they check all blood samples and if your blood comes back ‘clean’ they can use it
    thats why they ask about recent piercings etc

    i wont take blood transfusions.
    Tank Girl;232478 wrote:
    they test for hiv, hep A,B and c etc

    I’m guessing they check all blood samples and if your blood comes back ‘clean’ they can use it
    thats why they ask about recent piercings etc

    They check all blood, but tests are expensive and there’s no shortage of blood atm so it’s easier to just discount blood doners that are at all at risk.

    Plus even if they know it’s contaminated blood, it’s still a serious health hazard for anyone who handles it, or if it’s accidentially mislabeled or something. Better to skim out any risks at the door.

    MrAHC;232492 wrote:
    i wont take blood transfusions.

    why not?






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Forums Life Body Art Giving Blood