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  • Hypocritical American

    Isnt it ironic that America criticizes Holland when the American companies are the greatest killers of all. i.e tobacco companies the majority of which are american owned, kill 4.9 million people per year (ref; WHO).
    Its the governments of this world that make billions of dollars in tobacco taxes from the misery of others so they can spend it on weapons to kill even more of them. Governments and those irresponsible corporations should be the ones fined, jailed or even executed, not the recreational drug taker or dealer.

    Who is the greatest world polluter which kills millons more people? USA
    Who causes the most unrest in the world? USA
    Who could do the most to help starving children and others but instead spend trillions on stupid wars and space cowboy research? USA

    The only reason why governments dont legalise recreational drugs like E is because they dont make millions of dollars from taxes. Not because of any dreadfull harm they may cause. If this were true then why do they allow alcohol and tobbaco to be sold and to kill and harm millions. The number of people harmed by recreational drugs is microscopic compared to alcohol and tobacco.

    america are is currupt and the goverment are just after oil profits the bastards i watched feirinheit 9/11 for the second time last night i love mick moore we need more movies exposing corruption in our nations goverments
    personly i think that g.bush is a mad like his farther who sold weapon to the iques and the afganistanies and i find it unbelieveible that the bin larden family
    own 7% of americas economy thats about 3 trillion dollars if they were to pull out ofwall street that would be a huge blow to americas economy so why are they still on wall street sharing stocks with a contrie who wants a member of there family?

    how dare you question the fat god Profit???







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