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  • BioTech wrote:
    I’m about 18 hours in and the missions have suddenly taken a massively steep curve in to mega hardness. I haven’t even got the last island unlocked yet either. It seems it’s going to be a bit trickier than previous incarnations which were all fairly easy to be fair.

    WOW 18hr’s ive managed to fit in a poor 2. the other half only likes me playing “safe” games when she and baby about so i best fit in some midnight gaming this weekend.

    they should do GTA Suffolk with the Ipswich double D’s or places like Whitton or Chantry where you can torch some of the cars afterwards, and fire engines have old skool nee naw horns on them..

    General Lighting wrote:
    they should do GTA Suffolk with the Ipswich double D’s or places like Whitton or Chantry where you can torch some of the cars afterwards, and fire engines have old skool nee naw horns on them..


    Driving around winding, dark, single lane roads in the fog for hours on end just to get to a location doesn’t appeal to me. That game would be only for the hardcore.

    Is anyone else finding the graphical style a strain on the old peepers, unless its ment to look a bit hazey and blured?

    Yeah it’s hazy and blurred in the distance, especially when it’s hot. Are you playing on an HDTV?

    BioTech wrote:
    Yeah it’s hazy and blurred in the distance, especially when it’s hot. Are you playing on an HDTV?

    Sure am running at 1080. i was messing around with the settings last night and even resorted to putting on my specs with no results thinking my tv / eyes where on the way out

    BioTech wrote:

    Driving around winding, dark, single lane roads in the fog for hours on end just to get to a location doesn’t appeal to me. That game would be only for the hardcore.

    they could have a nice straight run for the A14 though..

    General Lighting wrote:
    some lad got shanked in the queue to buy it outside a store in Croydon

    thought that was darkly ironic..

    (probably nothing much to do with the game directly, probably owed some dealer money and he was pissed off that man had cash to blow on a computer game!)

    i just happened to be riding past during this, wasnt too fun! he had been stabbed in the back and slashed across the back of his neck, funny thing is tho, the people queing for the game thought it was a promo stunt! the police came put a bandage on one of his stab wounds(but not all!?!) and he was soon taken away by ambulance.

    General Lighting wrote:
    they should do GTA Suffolk with the Ipswich double D’s or places like Whitton or Chantry where you can torch some of the cars afterwards, and fire engines have old skool nee naw horns on them..

    I wouldnt mind jacking a mobility scooter form an OAP whilst having a police comunity support officer chase me down stowmarket high street! East Coast bad boy stylie

    SUBVERSION wrote:
    I wouldnt mind jacking a mobility scooter form an OAP whilst having a police comunity support officer chase me down stowmarket high street! East Coast bad boy stylie

    Suffolk cops actually have busted the OAPs themselves riding mobility scooters on the A14 (there is also a trend of the geriatric gary boys overriding the restrictors on them)

    actually a few months ago just outside Ipswich (on the road what takes you to Needham market/stow) I saw a chap who can’t have been younger than 65, in a pimped yellow Mini (the proper one, not BMW style), all the correct late 70s/early 80s style accessories, and CB radio antenna taller than the motor himself….

    SNIPERWOLF wrote:
    i just happened to be riding past during this, wasnt too fun! he had been stabbed in the back and slashed across the back of his neck, funny thing is tho, the people queing for the game thought it was a promo stunt!


    doesn’t surprise me though one bit..

    the police came put a bandage on one of his stab wounds(but not all!?!) and he was soon taken away by ambulance.

    probably not the first incident they had dealt with, wouldn’t be surprised if cops had already run out of bandages – at least London ambulance got there quick enough…

    Hope that lad is ok. I can’t help feel that the game promotes violence in some people, but only those who are that way inclined in the first place. So I don’t feel the game is to blame, it’s just a stimulant or a catalyst.

    It’s a shame.

    Subversion: You should run it in 720p as that’s what xbox games are designed for. Putting it any higher just strains the system and you will notice it’s a little slower. Just give it a try, you should notice things running a little smoother rather than have the xbox struggling to upscale everything to 1020.

    Plus if the tv is 1080i (like mine) then it’s not even as good as 720p.

    BioTech wrote:
    Hope that lad is ok. I can’t help feel that the game promotes violence in some people, but only those who are that way inclined in the first place. So I don’t feel the game is to blame, it’s just a stimulant or a catalyst.

    I agree – and “Londonistan” is always bubbling under with that undercurrent of street violence anyway – having spent a lot of time there and moved away recently the contrast is amazing..

    I’m also not sure as well whether its a good thing for young boys (i.e 10-14) to play this game, or even recent drivers! I remember in the mid 90s some NHS professional (might have been a psychiatrist) saying that you should wait an hour after playing any motor racing game before driving..

    From what i’ve been told our local Asda went for the tombola raffle ticket aproach for the midnight opening.
    People were on edge but only because they were all united by the desperation of wanting the game first :laugh_at:

    I have to agree with GL, i saw something like the Croyden incident happening as soon as i heard about the midnight sales.
    All’s well that ends well though but i have to ask..

    What’s the bowling thing about? ^_^

    Yeah, I wouldn’t agree with anyone under 13 playing it to be honest. Although the games story has a fair bit of morality in it, it’s still got a fairly strong theme that kicking the shit out of someone or killing them is the answer to almost everything. Although most people will see that for what it is… just a story/game to provide escapism.

    Sini wrote:
    What’s the bowling thing about? ^_^

    Well, you have certain people in the game that are your friends or girlfreinds. You get certain benefits if you get them to like you (and stay liking you) so you have to go out on different activities together. Bowling, darts, drinking, eating, pool. Although having the opportunity to play pool, darts and bowling is good I don’t really like it as a forced feature of the game. It’s like sims or something, which isn’t something I’m in to.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Grand Theft Auto 4!