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came up in another thread, i was checking out their website and found this. Every time i find out something new about this party i’m so impressed….
Updated: May 18, 2001 Please see also our full Philosophical Basis We believe that:
Life on Earth is under immense pressure. The environment around us is threatened with massive destruction. Conventional politics has failed us because its values are fundamentally flawed.
The Green Party isn’t just another political party. Green politics is a new and radical kind of politics guided by these core principles;
1. Humankind depends on the diversity of the natural world for its existence. We do not believe that other species are expendable.
2. The Earth’s physical resources are finite. We threaten our future if we try to live beyond those means, so we must build a sustainable society that guarantees our long-term future.
3. Every person should be entitled to basic material security as of right.
4. Our actions should take account of the well-being of other nations and future generations. We should not pursue our well-being to the detriment of theirs.
5. A healthy society is based on voluntary co-operation between empowered individuals in a democratic society, free from discrimination whether based on race, colour, sex, religion, national origin, social origin or any other prejudice.
6. We emphasise democratic participation and accountability by ensuring that decisions are taken at the closest practical level to those affected by them.
7. We look for non-violent solutions to conflict situations, which take into account the interests of minorities and future generations in order to achieve lasting settlements.
8. The success of a society cannot be measured by narrow economic indicators, but should take account of factors affecting the quality of life for all people: personal freedom, social equity, health, happiness and human fulfilment.
9. Electoral politics is not the only way to achieve change in society, and we will use a variety of methods to help to affect change, providing those methods do not conflict with our other core principles.
10. The Green Party puts changes in both values and lifestyles at the heart of the radical green agenda.
well worth a perusal.
I now know where i’m going to use my vote . thanks for linking that info . very useful. i have heard lots about this party in the past. they on one of the only parties with some decent policies imo.
A healthy society is based on voluntary co-operation between empowered individuals in a democratic society, free from discrimination whether based on race, colour, sex, religion, national origin, social origin or any other prejudice.
I dont believe them and I note that they dont put the most important one in there “CLASS” and I know why because they have LORDS in the members, they are about making the poor pay. its all double talk,
“social origin” that means class
and how is the green party all about making the poor pay???
I’ve been involved with the green party locally and I’ve never been given any reason to think that that’s the agenda of the green party.
in fact it’s usually the opposite IMO
ok point taken but I am still skeptical and I note social origin is the last, I will need a lot more convincing, when I last looked they had some aristoes on board and unless they want to rid themselves of that symbol I will continue to not trust them for good reason. because that is at the root of all social problems and economical problems that spill out all over the world in the form of war and greed. A class system such as ours is, IMO at the root of all our problems. Housing system that is akin the reservations or pretty ghetos. Crime, environmental, health, work, and economic problems. Not sorting it out and NOT putting right the legacy of the conquest and the slavery of our nation by making retribution and re distributing the land or making amends of the unequal status it has left, or the crimes of profit made from it, then everything else you try to as a party(green) is bound to fail. and the poor will continue to pay the price and the rich will get richer. Fine words mean nothing and are easy said from the mouths of politicians, while they avoid the cause of the problem and focus on the symptoms which are not only money spinners for the wealthy, they lead to measures of control that enforce their hold.
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