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hard drives

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  • looking for parallel ATA, 40/80GB or above (yes I know thats an old specification but its only for the VOIP server and the version of Linux it runs (Centos 5.0) is easier to work with PATA drives)

    what matters is this drive has to be left on 24/7 and remain reliable for as long as possible

    I’ve just had to replace a Maxtor 40GB (only made in 2002 and not that much hours on it) with a drive out of the “parts bin” for my test system as the spindle bearings were already starting to go pear-shaped (the noise was becoming intolerable)..

    it is fit only for target practice or I might haul the platters out and make a Oriental wind chime out of them… (one way of ensuring confidential data is made unreadable :laugh_at:)

    me != happy bunny as I was in the middle of live user testing and I’ve just had to reinstall the system from an ISO and then do all reconfiguration, customisation and and custom coding for the UK..

    so whats a good make of hard drive these days?

    I cant reply as I dont undersatnd any of the above – its a forigen language to me :hopeless:

    Tank Girl wrote:
    I cant reply as I dont undersatnd any of the above – its a forigen language to me :hopeless:

    Same as that! Know naff all bout computers which don’t really help GL! Ill ask me brother General, See what he says! 😉

    Seagate and Hitachi and Samsung

    the oldest one we have is a probably a hitachi now

    all these makes have lifetime guarantees if they fail afaik

    Have you thought about old SCSI drives? you can get these cheap now and some are hotswap. Linux supports SCSI really well too.

    i heard western whats it could is the bee knees

    Playground Politics wrote:
    i heard western whats it could is the bee knees

    Western Digital, yeah. They are a good make. Their Raptor range are fast as fuck. They are 10k RPM on the spindle, and Ive heard they are well made too, so should last a while. I think you can get those In ATA.

    Seagate are good too, good value.

    Not too savy on the specifics of HDs though.

    Western digital and seagate have been good for me.

    Avoid maxtor as they tend to operate at higher temperatures and are very loud.

    Here’s a good chart. You can choose your benchmark thats most relevant to what you want.,18.html

    SCSI drive:wink:

    Dom_sufc wrote:
    Western Digital, yeah. They are a good make. Their Raptor range are fast as fuck. They are 10k RPM on the spindle, and Ive heard they are well made too, so should last a while. I think you can get those In ATA.

    Its all about the Raptors.

    I recently got a Samsung SpinPoint which is pretty fast and very quiet… although i had to RMA the first one as it was faulty, i suspect bad packaging though, 1 layer of bubble wrap doesn’t really cut it :you_crazy

    Not sure if they make it in Paralel, but worth a look.

    western digital are great, quiet, reliable, ive had 4 maxtors and 2 seagates fail spontaneously and my WD’s are still going fine.

    a WD 80gb ide should cost around 30 quid


    thanks everyone.. after some consideration and further research I have decided to go for Western Digital and found a range of drives specified for 24/7 running (such as in digital video recorders/streaming servers) but not too much extra cost..

    it is for the central control unit of a digital telephone system so has to be reliable…

    incidentally I found this in a report from some IT site..

    I spoke with an analyst a number of years ago who was standing on the docks in Malaysia while visiting the fab operation of a major disk manufacturer. He watched the shipping containers filled with drives being loaded into the boat.

    Suddenly, he said, a chain broke and the container fell many stories onto the concrete pier. The chain was refastened and raised up again. Those drives found their way into servers and after-market systems.

    Probably the Seagate factory in Penang, as none of the others are near the docks.

    as they say in Malaysia.. “aiyaaa”..

    General Lighting wrote:
    thanks everyone.. after some consideration and further research I have decided to go for Western Digital and found a range of drives specified for 24/7 running (such as in digital video recorders/streaming servers) but not too much extra cost..

    it is for the central control unit of a digital telephone system so has to be reliable…

    incidentally I found this in a report from some IT site..

    Probably the Seagate factory in Penang, as none of the others are near the docks.

    as they say in Malaysia.. “aiyaaa”..

    Good choice! Which WD one did you get?

    Oh and nice on the Seagates. Gives me faith in mine now. At least I can blame It on something when it packs in lol.






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