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Hardcore ++++ Acid Trip Memories

Forums Drugs Trip Reports Hardcore ++++ Acid Trip Memories

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  • @korno 529435 wrote:

    Doing it outdoors is a most wonderful free experience, you become so in touch with nature and the earth and you SEE soooo many things that mother nature has given us, that for some strange reason you had no idea they even existed before, you won’t feel a loss of control doing acid outside i swear to you.
    I won’t ever do acid inside a club again after that, it’s waaaaay too discombobulating for my liking and claustrophobia really overpowers me.

    Yeah I was going to venture to a park last time I took cid but I live in a city and there would of been the possibility of people there.
    This is why I need to move out to the countryside dag nammit.

    discombobulating <- read that in blackadders voice!

    @Izbeckistan 529459 wrote:

    Yeah I was going to venture to a park last time I took cid but I live in a city and there would of been the possibility of people there.
    This is why I need to move out to the countryside dag nammit.

    They only exist if you let them :love:

    @Izbeckistan 529460 wrote:

    discombobulating <- read that in blackadders voice!

    Haaaahaha brilliant!

    Why did this thread get made sticky?

    Don’t bosh bare acid kids, or you’ll end up like me.

    Oh these were the days :p

    hello..went to the Welsh mountains tripping..turns out they were christians! They tried to do my head in a lot..I belive in helping someone through a trip but they were very harsh..I was a lot younger somehow I held it together..not a good time but have had many good times..those were the days.

    I was tripping with my brother one day, sitting in an alley behind our apartment. We see a dog coming our way, happy as can be, wagging its tail. BANG! Some crazy old fucker SHOT it! That was the worst thing I SAW on acid at least.

    @pdxpsych 580394 wrote:

    I was tripping with my brother one day, sitting in an alley behind our apartment. We see a dog coming our way, happy as can be, wagging its tail. BANG! Some crazy old fucker SHOT it! That was the worst thing I SAW on acid at least.

    terrible!!! 🙁 poor dog and you guys

    Not had acid for a very long time, used to enjoy it tho. Ones I remember were green dragons, red monsters, strawberries, Bart Simpson’s, flying keys, ying yangs & microdots.
    Me & 3 mates had some & sneaked up this derelict alley onto a rooftop of an old shop, watching the crowds going thru the street on a Sat night and us laughing at them. Another time my then boyfriend & his mate and me took microdots in the pub, we got kicked out for being daft so got a taxi to BFs digs, his mate thought it be a good idea to let the landladys budgie out of its cage then decided to put it back, never forget the look on her face when she came down to find him chasing the bird round the room,squawking n feathers flying while me & BF lay on the floor in hysterics.
    Wasn’t so funny the next day when realised it was Christmas and I was 3-4 miles from home, no public transport and had been snowing, doing the walk of shame is bad enough hungover but the acid comedown is so not pretty, anyway there I was looking like an escaped mental patient walking down the road when a guy I vaguely knew from the pub stopped and offered me a lift, I could have snogged him, so grateful.
    Mostly my trips have been fun, I’ve had some great sex on acid too. Had a couple bad ones but u talk urself thru it and know u will come out ok. Always found it mostly a summer drug. Ahhhh memories

    Only tried acid once, about 6 years ago. Don’t think it really agreed with me, so haven’t done it since. Everything started off hunky dory for the first few hours, enjoyed the bubbling walls and dripping faces. I even invented a new game to entertain myself with; ‘Brown and non-brown’. Which when it came down to it was simply me collecting a load of brown items and blue items (the non-brown aspect lol) from around my house and piling them together. But then someone put Finding Nemo on. That’s when shit got a bit awry for me. Fish swimming out the screen, no problem. Sharks coming at me trying to munch on my face, not cool. I then convinced myself that I should have had scuba gear on cos I was underwater, and then I thought I was drowning. When my mate, who was sat next to me, morphed into a werewolf I was out of there. Time to retreat into the closet and sit in the dark, talking to a ceramic duck for the next 4 hours until it wears off.

    sounds like good too..strongest was californian microdot..lasted three days got up to allsorts..i first took acid at a rave on a boat on the Thames then had to make my way home across London on the commuter train…I was with the dealer..we were at his for a bit he put on some heavy metal and explained the lyrics oh yeah it was Meatloaf..I was laughing left as soon as I could lucky parents understanding,,worse time was at a hardcore gig where eyeballs were falling out..later a fight in a bagal shop..remember throwin bagals every where…running over car friend doing a crap in a skip in the middle of town..a lot younger then lol

    Pure ego death, coloured fractals spinning outta control chaos theory style. 15’+ trailers on anything that moved, communicating
    with the air and able to delegate air into plate levels. Most beautiful experience of comprehending my family dog who told me he sick…7months later he was gone!!! waking up in a tin shed out in the country. Spooning a goat while listening to Hitler’s Nüremburg Rally speech through 1982 Sony walkman
    speech blasted from a stereo.

    not sure i’ve ++++’ed although i have some good memories

    I have ++++ on LSD, Salvia, DMT and 4-AcO-DMT. (and on a combo which is near the start of this thread, awake for 3 days, 3 tabs of potent LSD, 4-ACO-DMT 20mg sniffed, 20 eaten, 2C-B 35mg sniffed, AMT about 10mg half sniffed and eaten, 5-MEO-DMT and DMT smoked before and at some point during)

    Salvia was absolutely out of this world, I completely left the room. LSD I was still in the world but I was sleep deprived (funny actually I was sleep deprived on the Salvia exp too) but the story it created in my mind was so intensely real and I was so out of it my family who were talking to me (knowing I was having a bad trip) their eyes were massive, and I mean absolutely massive in a scary way like they were on drugs and at the peak their voices were like gibberish, mEH ME ME MAH ME MAH ME MAH…. I thought I was being punished and everyone had de-evolved into morons because they looked and sounded like absolute nutters and it seemed as if they didn’t have a proper language.

    As I was coming down I felt like I was evolving level by level and when I finally came round I was like…. ffs I didn’t know I was on Acid for about 7 whole hours in a full on trip, I was so fucked I threw my TV at the floor, poured a can of drink all over my room because I believed when I walked out and came back in the room would be the same as before. My friend who was also on the same dose but had been to sleep must have crapped himself seeing me out of my mind, he was watching a film, me throwing the TV at the floor and pouring a drink all over the place. He quickly exited and his Mum knows mine so they spoke and he told her I was on Acid.

    Basically if you want to experience Psychedelics at their full, sleep deprivation makes trips super super fucking mega intense… My first time with Salvia had been up for 2 days on MDMA, KET, NOS, WEED was in my room waiting for the salvia at around midday and nodded off for about 15 mins woke up as the Salvia had arrived. Did a massive bong of 10x….. and that was the most intense experience of my entire life EASILY. This stuff is a DISSOCIATIVE PSYCHEDELIC, it dissociates you from reality and is trippy as hell, and I mean that literally. It is like fucking hell, you do not feel good at all. Other friends speak of their bodies feeling like they’re being folded into pieces. I personally didn’t have a body and was in a white flickering space with stick man body, which slowly made out my friends face on it…. I thought he was the Devil and I was stuck in eternal suffering and pain, the terror I have never felt stronger than anything else in my life, I tried to escape the Devil face but an infinite loop of him came from the side (in reality I tried to leave the room and this guy stopped me).

    I did Salvia once more while on 2C-T-2, Ketamine and Alcohol. It put me back into my bad trip from the Acid experience I mentioned, my room looked like it was made of lego, It was a lego land trip, but a horrible painful scary lego land. I tried to look at my computer for some sort of connection to reality and coincidental (or maybe bad spirits?) my computer BLUE SCREEN OF DEATHED…. I thought that’s too weird, this must be real. As the trip ended I felt like I was back in that Acid trip where I was being judged and had to level up, but the test was, If I gave my friend a pipe of Salvia who was asking for one, I would fail the test and bad things would happen. I had to say no to him which he was pretty weirded out by, then I explained I know it sounds mental but this trip is forcing me to not be able to give you one.

    Fuck Salvia man…. That is the strongest drug ever. I mean I’ve done Bromo-dragonfly which is 30+ hours of horrible tripping and twitching and really loud audio hallucinations but It’d be difficult for me to pick which trip I’d want to endure again.

    I think the most intense trip you could possibly have is stay awake for 3 days, take LSD at a high dose where you come up within 30 mins, mixed with shrooms and maybe another chemical, a non tryptamine so like 2C-E and then smoke a pipe of SALVIA, DMT AND 5-MEO-DMT. I think that would probably put you in a mental hospital for the rest of your life.






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Forums Drugs Trip Reports Hardcore ++++ Acid Trip Memories