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Have You Tried MDMA?

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Have You Tried MDMA?

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    admittedly drugs have gotten a lot cheaper now but the thing is i used to be able to buy 1g of MDMA and be buzzing all night now 1g wouldn’t even last me 2 hours 2 bombs gone bit of buzz sleep I would happily pay 100 for a g of good stuff than 25 for a g of crap

    @planthigh 408650 wrote:

    admittedly drugs have gotten a lot cheaper now but the thing is i used to be able to buy 1g of MDMA and be buzzing all night now 1g wouldn’t even last me 2 hours 2 bombs gone bit of buzz sleep I would happily pay 100 for a g of good stuff than 25 for a g of crap

    1g of mdma should at the very least be 2 strong doses if not 4 (depends how fucked you like to feel really)

    get it off another suppler mate

    He’s selling BF


    @Gazatronium-Ethane 408587 wrote:

    mdma turn me in to a spastic, incapable of much, best of sticking me in a wheelchair and parading me around like some grizzly gameshow prize

    That sounds more like “TOO MUCH” MDMA to me.

    xtc is all over the place you go to clubs and you get people shouting who wants E

    yeah but your only having it last like 2 hours because your doing it all the time, i used to tripple drop these triangular mitsus and barely feel it because i was doing like 6 a day and on weekends 12. you get so amune to it you need more to effect you. try stop it for a long time you will see that 1g will last you all night again. i havent done E’s in a few years i bet like 2 will last me the whole night now lol

    @LysergicAcid 408760 wrote:

    xtc is all over the place you go to clubs and you get people shouting who wants E

    yeah but its an expensive way to buy mints

    yeah you pay 5’s each, but if you dont know any dealers or none you know come through for you on the night of the club you can be sure to find them at the club, though i was paying 5 outside of club also. some times i would get them cheaper but not very often

    Big question and Im sure some of you heads will have an answer. One bought 2 g’s of what has been very good mandy before. One had a chance to weigh it later and came up 2.26 g on a scales.

    Does anyone know how much a 2″ x 2″ baggie weighs. Is one a bit short or about right?

    @DaftFader 408681 wrote:

    That sounds more like “TOO MUCH” MDMA to me.

    no mate, was the first time i did it!

    i remember the first time i did mdma i was bouncing off the walls and then as the years go by you need so much of it and for me i was monging out on it even double dropping and just laying there on the couch too lazy to dance just moving my legs up and down rappidly and chewing my jaw with my eyes rolled back

    You can’t compare pills with MDMA IMO, loads of even the MD ones have Amphet and other shit in em.

    @p0ly 411550 wrote:

    You can’t compare pills with MDMA IMO, loads of even the MD ones have Amphet and other shit in em.

    yeah im told some times even heroin.. xtc is mdma but the pills when mixed with all that shit they put in there its not pure mdma in the end..

    the first pill i did was an 8 ball i did one and a half i remember the nasty taste and the sting when i first snorted one. but when you first start doing it one or two will last the night then after years i was doing 12 in a night but i couldent do any more my body couldent handle more then 12 pills

    mdma the stuff i got was brown i dunno if he ripped me off or what but it was good..






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Have You Tried MDMA?