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Have You Tried MDMA?

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Have You Tried MDMA?

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  • I guess I dont drink too much… like being high rather than drunk 🙂

    I was taking so much coke at one point that there was never a come down….. a little here, a little there, till it was everyday….
    When I moved flat I found a huge rock that had fallen behind my set of drawers.. around nearly a gram… was a great find!
    I dont get the shivers… I mean people shiver when they are cold or maybe low blood sugar, so maybe when that happens you need to get something sweet inside ya. Half a cup of tea or something.
    Also for me if I was shivering it was only because I had been sweating from dancing all night and the copious amounts of drugs…and now I was too cold and clammy….(quick change of clothes sorts that out)

    oohhhhh I saw them when they played in NZ a looooooooooong time ago 🙂

    My mates place is very central so it could be a go… I dont know if we would get tickets, but maybe you can hear it all outside? One thing I know is that I may or may not even be in any condition to be out in the daylight by sat afternoon hahahahaha (heres hoping)

    @kiwifruit 437273 wrote:

    oohhhhh I saw them when they played in NZ a looooooooooong time ago 🙂

    My mates place is very central so it could be a go… I dont know if we would get tickets, but maybe you can hear it all outside? One thing I know is that I may or may not even be in any condition to be out in the daylight by sat afternoon hahahahaha (heres hoping)

    fair do’s it’s about 50 quid for a ticket don’t think it’d sell out and if it does before i buy some i’ll just go there on the day and buy one for 70-80 off a tout 😛

    i plan to go by myself if no one comes with me.

    I have a feeling that if noone comes with you, you might end up meeting me and my mate 🙂 Though we wont be paying to go inside… would rather spend that type of money on the good stuff….

    @kiwifruit 437275 wrote:

    I have a feeling that if noone comes with you, you might end up meeting me and my mate 🙂 Though we wont be paying to go inside… would rather spend that type of money on the good stuff….

    i’ve had too much good stuff that it’s not even that good anymore need to get into the right environment for them to be good, a festival always gets me going crazy!

    For me at this point any drugs in a quiet dark room is going to be frickin amazing. FOUR YEAR BREAK. jesus. I tell ya it has been a looooooooooong 4 years!
    But I totally get where your coming from. A good crowd always makes for an awesome time!

    @kiwifruit 437277 wrote:

    For me at this point any drugs in a quiet dark room is going to be frickin amazing. FOUR YEAR BREAK. jesus. I tell ya it has been a looooooooooong 4 years!
    But I totally get where your coming from. A good crowd always makes for an awesome time!

    i’ve spent the last 4 years on it pretty much solidly!

    hmmm random

    New evidence out suggesting mdma linked with neurotoxic problems in the long-term. Anecdotally, have any of you experienced proven or unproven problems associated or potentially associated with your usage.

    I love mdma and use it rarely but I’m starting to feel that the grey areas about the wonder drug might put me off future usage.

    What do you all thuink?

    @lar121 440281 wrote:

    New evidence out suggesting mdma linked with neurotoxic problems in the long-term. Anecdotally, have any of you experienced proven or unproven problems associated or potentially associated with your usage.

    I love mdma and use it rarely but I’m starting to feel that the grey areas about the wonder drug might put me off future usage.

    What do you all thuink?

    sounds like rubbish to me..

    i have taken it for years and really abused mdma with no problems apart from really nasty come downs and the need to pass out coming down, anything to scare people off taking the drug

    @lar121 440281 wrote:

    New evidence out suggesting mdma linked with neurotoxic problems in the long-term. Anecdotally, have any of you experienced proven or unproven problems associated or potentially associated with your usage.

    I love mdma and use it rarely but I’m starting to feel that the grey areas about the wonder drug might put me off future usage.

    What do you all thuink?

    sadly health problems aren’t a problem in p0ly world, sure that will change at some point.

    @p0ly 440309 wrote:

    sadly health problems aren’t a problem in p0ly world, sure that will change at some point.

    how old are you now? It will change when you get to 26-27. Growing up sucks ass man.

    If you are looking for the highest quality Naphyrone on the market check out . To ensure that the product is in it’s purest form it has been lab tested using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and absorbency spectra testing. The product is recrystallized to eliminate impurities and is of the highest quality. For free shipping on your orders use the code FREEUSPSSHIP3. Don’t hesitate when deciding on your purchase, it is the best in the US!

    Napyhrone also known as NRG-1 or Naphthylpyrovalerone is a product most often used for plants but can also be consumed for pleasureable effect. The effects of this chemical is like a MDMA feeling with a slower onset, about an hour or two, and a much much better peak within a much smaller dose. It is reccomeneded that one should only take 20-50mg (which is half of a point= 1/10 of a gram) and this should last for 8 to 12 hours. This stuff is really good and may lead to a damn good time.

    @mikeymike11261 440660 wrote:

    If you are looking for the highest quality Naphyrone on the market check out To ensure that the product is in it’s purest form it has been lab tested using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and absorbency spectra testing. The product is recrystallized to eliminate impurities and is of the highest quality. For free shipping on your orders use the code FREEUSPSSHIP3. Don’t hesitate when deciding on your purchase, it is the best in the US!

    Napyhrone also known as NRG-1 or Naphthylpyrovalerone is a product most often used for plants but can also be consumed for pleasureable effect. The effects of this chemical is like a MDMA feeling with a slower onset, about an hour or two, and a much much better peak within a much smaller dose. It is reccomeneded that one should only take 20-50mg (which is half of a point= 1/10 of a gram) and this should last for 8 to 12 hours. This stuff is really good and may lead to a damn good time.

    A batch analysis report from the drugs information site dated 12 June 2010 found that some products labelled as NRG-1 contain the Class B substances MDPV and flephedrone.[11] In the case of an individual possessing a product labelled NRG-1 that contains MDPV, they are in possession of a controlled substance. A subsequent study by researchers at Liverpool John Moores University found that only one out of ten products labelled as “NRG-1” actually contained naphyrone when they were subjected to laboratory analysis. Compounds found in products labelled NRG-1 included MDPV, flephedrone, mephedrone, butylone and caffeine, one product tested was inorganic in composition.[6]

    Hey Nootjes, I’m new hear so hey!

    Well my experiences with MDMA was actually in crystal form and it was mindblowing. More so than pills! The first time I tried MDMA I bombed it on the tube to Fabric (after crushing it all up of course) and I was absolutely mullered, had a fantastic night!

    After my first time I was careful at not rolling every weekend because I didn’t want to build a tolerance, so I rolled like every other weekend (it was £50 a gram so it didn’t come cheap, but I went halves with a mate). Never really built any kind of tolerance to the crystals either.

    However, my experiences with pills wasn’t all that great. Had to take 5 to feel a little buzz so it was such a let down! 🙁 But my friends all thought they were amazing which was weird






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Have You Tried MDMA?