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Have You Tried MDMA?

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Have You Tried MDMA?

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  • I took etizolam last night just before i crashed out.

    woke up this morning feeling fine and no vicious cramps. Hurrah!

    @p0ly 454781 wrote:

    lolz, etizolam is as potent if not more by weight.. but phenazepam lasts for fucking ages.

    Yeah I kinda realised what I wrote. Etizolam is usually sold in pills though. Ive never seen weighed out phenazepam in pill form. you need some serious scales if you want to dose it properly.

    @TheLostOne 455077 wrote:

    Yeah I kinda realised what I wrote. Etizolam is usually sold in pills though. Ive never seen weighed out phenazepam in pill form. you need some serious scales if you want to dose it properly.

    .001’s can be purchased from china for about a tenner.

    i need a new set gonna buy 1 now i reckon.

    Hey i just joind the site, seems like a good community of like-minded people here.
    I dont mean to hijack the thread, but i cant post new topics yet.
    I always thought Methedone, drone, mcat 4mmc ect.. was just some online scam but i talked to a friend who recommended it. He got it from a friend and doesnt know where to get more so hoping someone here could help. If youv tried any of the above, let me know what is was like/recommended dosage, and if you have a legit website to order from PM me plz itd be much appreciated. i live in canada and have taken alota drugs, but im looking for something similar to mdma which iv rolled about 10 times. Let me know how much/what kind/where to buy is best plz!

    Thanks in advance and id could answer any questions bout weed, mdma, extacy, cocain, ketamine, salvia or shrooms if anyone wants (the list will keep growing;) )

    Hey i just joind the site, seems like a good community of like-minded people here.
    I aint trying to hijack the thread, just i cant post new topics yet..
    I always thought Methedone, drone, mcat 4mmc ect.. was just some online scam but i talked to a friend who recommended it. He got it from a friend and doesnt know where to get more so hoping someone here could help. If youv tried any of the above, let me know what is was like/recommended dosage, and if you have a legit website to order from PM me plz itd be much appreciated. i live in canada and have taken alota drugs, but im looking for something similar to mdma which iv rolled about 10 times. Let me know how much/what kind/where to buy is best plz!

    Thanks in advance and id could answer any questions bout weed, mdma, extacy, cocain, ketamine, salvia or shrooms if anyone wants (the list will keep growing;) )

    @ALifeLived 456031 wrote:

    Hey i just joind the site, seems like a good community of like-minded people here.
    I dont mean to hijack the thread, but i cant post new topics yet.
    I always thought Methedone, drone, mcat 4mmc ect.. was just some online scam but i talked to a friend who recommended it. He got it from a friend and doesnt know where to get more so hoping someone here could help. If youv tried any of the above, let me know what is was like/recommended dosage, and if you have a legit website to order from PM me plz itd be much appreciated. i live in canada and have taken alota drugs, but im looking for something similar to mdma which iv rolled about 10 times. Let me know how much/what kind/where to buy is best plz!

    Thanks in advance and id could answer any questions bout weed, mdma, extacy, cocain, ketamine, salvia or shrooms if anyone wants (the list will keep growing;) )

    mephedrone is good, pretty similar effects to mdma but a very nasty come down ^^ Make a line like you would with coke a half decent size line then wait 10-20 minutes and you will feel it.. I did a pretty small line and felt the effects but it did not last long so try make a larger line if you plan to go clubbing after taking mephe

    i get worse comedowns from md. meph (the real 4mmc) is just far, far more morish ime!.


    can any one explaicn to me what an mdma high is like? i kinda would like to know first?

    This is what ecstasy does to you.

    If your munching 10 pills with not much effect your getting ripped the fuck off with persil and pro+

    pills are deffinatly not like they used to be. the bit you want out of them the MDMA is better baught neat if you can get hold of it these days but its well rare round here and expensive – i got told the new legal high benzo fury is suppost to be similar to the orininal pills but i havn’t tried them yet.

    Had some awesome blank pills in Brizzle at the weekend. Pinkish orange and quite chunky.

    @froststep 456817 wrote:

    can any one explaicn to me what an mdma high is like? i kinda would like to know first?

    It’s MDMAmazing. Trust me.






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Have You Tried MDMA?