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  • argh..

    i am trying to use my new memory stick ..i have plucgged it in says device found ..thats it …i need to cpy some work from work onto the stick … do i do it ..i ve got a deadline to meet by friday …x

    assuming you are using Windows XP

    look in “My computer” for a new disk drive letter that wasn’t there before (often drive E: if you already have one fixed disk C: and a CD-R/W/DVD drive as D:) – this is your memory stick.

    if you don’t see this letter, then unplug it and plug it in again.

    it will say “new device found” and then various other “baloons” will come up in the task bar, often with Japanese/Chinese names (the real manufacturers of your memory stick) and strange numbers (what model it is).

    Eventually a message will say “Disk Drive”. When this balloon disappears you should be able to find the memory stick as above.

    oh ..bollox.
    it says found usb
    then i clicked an it say install
    then mass storage installed…
    as far as i can see its not showing ..:cry:

    ok ok ….i ve found it in F…….

    i need to know now how to do a letter in word an then save onto my memory stick …as i ve forgot ..
    so i can take it to the libary and print letter ….x thanx,….:crazy_dru

    Doh. i ve done it …x :love:






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