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HELP!! the computer is out to get me…

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology HELP!! the computer is out to get me…

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  • can anyone help with a wonky screen?

    How about a sledgehammer?

    um is it the picture inside the screen or the screen it’s self?

    turn the monitor on it’s head

    DaftFader wrote:
    um is it the picture inside the screen or the screen it’s self?

    what you thinking? like a beer mat under one side, that’d straighten her up a treat.

    Its usually all the little buttons on the front of your monitor, just have a look at them and push a few… shouldn’t take you too long to work out what does what 😉

    Southcaver wrote:
    what you thinking? like a beer mat under one side, that’d straighten her up a treat.

    i did refrain from saing stick a book under it actualy :laugh_at:

    what happned was we turned the computer on and the screen has turned itself sideways… im typing now having to bend my head sideways to read the screen.. what you think has happened?

    has it fallen on its side?

    do you use a nvida gfx card?

    you would think so wouldnt ya? i looked at the screen and thought WHOA!! I cant be that fucked on ket!.. wait a min.. its really lop sided

    DaftFader wrote:
    do you use a nvida gfx card?

    i have noo idea mate. Intel? Generic? i have no idea.. normally im bang on all this computer shit.. but i took one look at the screen and it sent my head spinning.. never seen anything like this before

    smokeitup wrote:
    what happned was we turned the computer on and the screen has turned itself sideways… im typing now having to bend my head sideways to read the screen.. what you think has happened?

    Well it’s hard to say. My prognosis is that upon waking your computer screen underwent a nervous breakdown. This breakdown caused uncontrollable flatulence and a loss in bowel control. This horrid mixture of electrodes and faeces caused your screen to turn on it’s side. Treatment turn off and on.

    DJCliffy wrote:
    Well it’s hard to say. My prognosis is that upon waking your computer screen underwent a nervous breakdown. This breakdown caused uncontrollable flatulence and a loss in bowel control. This horrid mixture of electrodes and faeces caused your screen to turn on it’s side. Treatment turn off and on.

    hahahah! off and on.. hasnt worked.

    go to controll panle/desplay/settings/advanced .. and tell me what it sais at the blue bar at the top of the advanced settings pop up ..






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology HELP!! the computer is out to get me…