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Hepatitis C Warning to K users

Forums Drugs Ketamine Hepatitis C Warning to K users

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  • I knew about this, But it sort of takes someone to bring it up in all seriousness for it to register.

    Think i’ll be using rolled up paper more now.

    i never knew this o.O i never used notes anyway, we usually make a tube out of some card but even sharing that between a few people must be dodgy :/

    defintely going to use this advice next time

    Why is this thread a warning for K heads and not just sniffers in general?

    k seems to be more of a sharing drug but i know wot u mean

    yeah considring k is far cheaper at usually £15 a gram compared to good mandy or coke which are usually £35-£45 a gram.

    well you may well be snorting your own (insert substance here), but still using the same tube as friends.

    Very well put maing!!!! use your Head people

    fuck taking K in a club. not in some of the states I have been in. People would be ringing ambulances and all sorts.
    I will take it at a party if I among a lot of friends.

    @Diceface 389364 wrote:

    fuck taking K in a club. not in some of the states I have been in. People would be ringing ambulances and all sorts.
    I will take it at a party if I among a lot of friends.

    I got thrown out of a London club cos i blacked out from doing about 2g in the toilet very quickly, just got thrown out cos i couldn’t stand and was on the floor in Leicester Square… not a good look! dunno how i didn’t get arrested

    @p0ly 389398 wrote:

    I got thrown out of a London club cos i blacked out from doing about 2g in the toilet very quickly, just got thrown out cos i couldn’t stand and was on the floor in Leicester Square… not a good look! dunno how i didn’t get arrested

    I know a Welsh dude who was picked up by metpol when k-holing, and subsequently released as they could not understand a word he said, the cockney coppers basically said “you’re too fucked even to be arrested, just be on your way and try not to hurt yourself in the process!” :laugh_at:

    @General Lighting 389401 wrote:

    I know a Welsh dude who was picked up by metpol when k-holing, and subsequently released as they could not understand a word he said, the cockney coppers basically said “you’re too fucked even to be arrested, just be on your way and try not to hurt yourself in the process!” :laugh_at:

    What a result :love:

    @e_babes 32512 wrote:

    Just a thought to all of you who like to shove drugs up your nostrills.

    When snorting ANY substance please use your own tube. Not money, that note has probebly been used 3000 times before you and found in a urinal or something.

    The idea is that you CAN catch Hepatitis C from sharing snorting equipment. You stuff the tube up yer nose, snort, nose bleeds a little and ends up on the tube and you give that tube to someone else, and so on and so on.

    I have been diagnosed with Hepatitis C and its not nice to know that you are infectious – but wouldnt it be worse if you didn’t know how to prevent it from happening to you in the first place.

    Well now you do.

    Use your own snorting tube, never money, use some paper, a flyer, something that no one else has used.

    For more information please visit

    You may even find me handing out flyers warning the dangers about it at your local rave :horay:



    thanks for the info! i had no idea it could do that from snorting.. i used to use money and share with my friends but now i use cut up bits of straw when doing coke i found it to be easier to snort that way..

    never again with money after reading this.

    quick question about K where does it come from as its illegal everywhere?

    it comes from farmers who own horses and need it , they can get it easily and lots of it






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Forums Drugs Ketamine Hepatitis C Warning to K users