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How do you Prepare Peyote?

Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti How do you Prepare Peyote?

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  • Extract it when it’s old.

    we used dried peruvian torch 50g each just crushed it down with a pestal and mortar and put it in a bowl and poured orange juice over it til it went all gloopy and soggy and spooned it down, took about an hour and had a bit of an upset stomach wasnt sick tho and had one of the best trips ever not the most intense but was getting mad tracers and patterns pretty much had the giggles the entire trip which was about 14-16 hours and had a very strong afterglow the day after

    drink up in boiled up goo, get some hydrated lime in there and keep eye on it so it don’t burn boil for 3-4 hours.






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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti How do you Prepare Peyote?