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How does a person get to heaven? Answer inside.

Forums Life Spirituality, Morality & Religion How does a person get to heaven? Answer inside.

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  • TK-421 wrote:
    err ban the nut?

    man religion sucks.. 54% of all wars throught time were caused by religion.. the No 1 killer int he whole world is the mosquito.. followed by religious wars…

    the bible was made by a bunch of old dudes who wanted power for themselves…. its the BIGGEST no1 selling science fuction book of ALL TIME!

    i mean come on.. do some dude in 7 days created the world? :you_crazy:you_crazy errr right.. DURRRRRRRRR:you_crazy:you_crazy:you_crazy

    what about NATURAL EVOLUTION! huh primordal ooze and dinosaurs and homo erectus and all that science that has been PROVED!!! not just some gimp in a white suit saying ” oh im jesus , but my dad is well ard…”

    come on ide rather believe in little green men making us as some kind of experement than have some bible bashing freak try to tell me god or ahal or buda or some nut in a tree made the plannet and unless we conform to there ideas we are all doomed?

    learn to live u religious freak pff.. dont pick ideas off some 2000 year old science fiction book.. make your bloody own..

    prob with u on this one( i dont wnat to get started on this)

    i believe we are here on earth and have the ability to find things out and get to understand GOD(i dont like that term)

    i believe there is a reason behind what we see when we look to the night sky and one day, maybe millions of years in the future, we will understand. but for me all i see is religeon(most) trying to control people.

    Religious nuts are NOT perfect,They just want YOU to be.I think I read that on a Rizzla packet or something:groucho:

    Unregister3d wrote:
    How does a person get into Heaven?

    Here’s what most people say about what gets you into Heaven:

    Everyone becomes an angel and goes to heaven when they die.
    Whoever obeys the Ten Commandments will go to heaven.
    Whoever goes to church will go to heaven.
    Whoever does more good things than bad things will go to heaven.
    Whoever believes in God will go to heaven.
    Whoever has not done anything really bad will go
    to heaven, or if their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds.
    Everyone in a Christian household will go to heaven.

    Well, these statements may SEEM ok, but they are NOT TRUE. None of these will get a person past those pearly gates.

    To get into heaven you must:

    1. Admit you are a sinner. Romans 3:23 from the Bible says “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”. That means that EVERYONE has sinned.

    2. You must then realize that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and took your punishment so that you could have eternal life in Heaven.

    3. You must now REPENT of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord and to forgive you of all your sins(things you have done wrong). This means that you must totally and sincerely turn from your sins, and simply ask Jesus Christ to be your Savior and Lord and to come into your heart and change it. It doesn’t matter how bad you have been, because Jesus will take you anyway. All you need to do is accept his offer of eternal life.

    Here’s a prayer that you can pray if you decide to accept Jesus as Savior:

    “God, I recognize that I have not lived my life for You up until now. I have been living for myself and that is wrong. I need You in my life; I want You in my life. I acknowledge the completed work of Your Son Jesus Christ in giving His life for me on the cross at Calvary, and I long to receive the forgiveness you have made freely available to me through this sacrifice. Come into my life now, Lord. Take up residence in my heart and be my king, my Lord, and my Savior. From this day forward, I will no longer be controlled by sin, or the desire to please myself, but I will follow You all the days of my life. Those days are in Your hands. I ask this in Jesus’ precious and holy name. Amen.”

    All it takes is faith to accept Jesus as Savior. Faith is simply trusting in Jesus. You trust that your parents will take care of you, right? That’s faith in your parents, however that’s not SAVING faith. That’s just an example of what faith is, so have that same attitude in Jesus. If you sincerely prayed that prayer with all your heart and have accepted Jesus as savior, then just trust that Jesus has forgiven you of your sins and is now your Savior, Friend, and Lord.

    Well, you might ask, what if I refuse Jesus’ offer? Well, that’s what I’m going to discuss now.

    If you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and die without accepting him as Savior, then you will die in your sin, and then there will be no hope for you. Instead of spending eternity in Heaven, a place of pure bliss where everyone is happy and there is no suffering and the streets are made of pure gold, you will go to another place. A terrible place.

    God originally made Hell for Satan and his band of Demons(Satan and his demons are former angels who turned against God, so God kicked them out of heaven). God never wanted any of us human beings to go there. But, if you don’t accept Jesus’ offer of Salvation, then Hell is where you will go. God takes no pleasure in this, but this is YOUR CHOICE. You might say “God wouldn’t send anyone to hell”. Well, God doesn’t send you to hell!
    YOU SEND YOURSELF TO HELL if you don’t accept Jesus’ offer of Salvation!

    Here’s what Hell is like just incase you’re wondering:

    2. Hell is a place where you will burn forever and ever in a blazing fire. Your suffering will NEVER end, and it NEVER stops. You will never get even one SECOND of rest from the pain. Revelation 14:11 says that “…and they have no rest day nor night…”, that’s not all of the verse, but it’s stating that you will never get any relief from your torment.
    3. You will cry and weep forever and ever over your refusal to accept Jesus as Savior, which will add to the torment since that simple prayer would have saved you from this place of never-ending torment.
    4. You won’t even get a DROP OF WATER to ease your pain(Luke 16:24). Nothing. Your pain is NEVER eased. NEVER.
    So, there you have it. A description of what Hell will be like if you decide to go there by rejecting Jesus.
    You might not get another chance! This might be your last chance to accept Jesus as Savior, since you really don’t know when you’re going to die! Don’t think “Well, I’ll just wait until I get older”, because you could die before then! You could even die tonight even! And if you die without Jesus, then you will go to hell. Proverbs 27:1 says “Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” So, you see, you don’t know if you will have another chance to get saved, so heed this warning now!

    Here’s the Salvation Prayer again that I put up earlier that you can pray if you want to accept Jesus as Savior.

    “God, I recognize that I have not lived my life for You up until now. I have been living for myself and that is wrong. I need You in my life; I want You in my life. I acknowledge the completed work of Your Son Jesus Christ in giving His life for me on the cross at Calvary, and I long to receive the forgiveness you have made freely available to me through this sacrifice. Come into my life now, Lord. Take up residence in my heart and be my king, my Lord, and my Savior. From this day forward, I will no longer be controlled by sin, or the desire to please myself, but I will follow You all the days of my life. Those days are in Your hands. I ask this in Jesus’ precious and holy name. Amen.”

    You must pray in Jesus’ name! If you don’t do that, then the prayer will not reach God’s ears! Sorry, but I’m not the one who makes the rules. This applies to every prayer you pray, not just the Prayer of Salvation! If you pray and don’t say “In Jesus’ name I pray”, then the prayer will not reach the ears of God.

    I can’t explain everything, so I will leave you with two good Bible-Based websites to visit if you have internet access: (Good website, it has the Bible on here, which you can read, and it also explains a few things). (GREAT site about the Bible, has TONS of information about prayer, Jesus, the Bible, and lots of other topics.)

    However, you must not rely on these sites alone. You must also find yourself a good Bible-Based Church so that you can be with other Christians. Also, Jesus must be your primary teacher, but these sites can help you a lot in learning more about Jesus and about how to be a good Christian. I, personally, have gotten lots of good information off of these sites. However, these sites do NOT replace Praying and Studying the Bible, so you still have to Pray and Study the Bible, but again, these sites can be used as a HELP, but NOT as your primary source.

    Alright, I pray that you will accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord and that those sites will help you in your walk with Jesus, should you accept him as Savior.

    May God richly Bless your life.

    This bloke wants to piss off doesn’t he. :you_crazy

    parrellels can be drawn between organised religion and organised crime. I wonder how many people have died over the centuries in the name of their “GOD”

    Sorry i didn’t need to quote the whole thing did I?

    parrellels can be drawn between organised religion and organised crime. I wonder how many people have died over the centuries in the name of their “GOD”

    here here

    too many and unfortunatly many more will

    Like this so called “war on terror” its just a 21st century crusade. Fundamentalist christians fighting fundamentalist muslims. Nothing has changed in the last 1500 years. as long as there is religion we will have horrendous loss of innocent life. All in the name of god eh? fucking morons.


    im all for hearing peoples opinions but i dont like this ones tone

    stax wrote:

    im all for hearing peoples opinions but i dont like this ones tone

    its a robot religious spammer… they crop up from time to time. They aren’t even interestered in responses, the idea is just to get the message out.

    General Lighting wrote:
    its a robot religious spammer… they crop up from time to time. They aren’t even interestered in responses, the idea is just to get the message out.

    They’ve got religious robots now?. Fuck. when will the madness end.:wink:

    How do you get to heaven? Dude, you’re here…. Stop wasting your life thinking about the future and hereafter, and enjoy where you are now….:bounce_g::bounce_fl:bounce_g::bounce_fl

    As for hell – that’s something you carry around inside you, not a place you go to…:good_evil:good_evil

    the rev wrote:
    They’ve got religious robots now?. Fuck. when will the madness end.:wink:

    its the beggining of the end . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr

    stax wrote:
    its the beggining of the end . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr

    nah, but it does shows how much money and resources the religious groups have and how far they are prepared to go.

    This place gets targeted fairly often, as there are plenty of “young sinners” here.

    At election time we had a Catholic campaigner posting on here complaining about abortion etc – she had signed on several boards using different names and her registered email address was the name of a nun who has supposedly been dead since 1992.

    there is a Catholic television network called ETWN.

    AFAIK they don’t even advertise but all their money comes from subscriptions

    When I used to work for a company selling broadcast equipment; they always used to have money to buy “new toys”. I am talking about seriously large routers, computerised TV transmission systems, kit costing a quarter million dollars..

    That is how powerful these groups are…

      noname wrote:
      As for hell – that’s something you carry around inside you, not a place you go to…:good_evil:good_evil

      I agree and its not nice

      noname wrote:
      How do you get to heaven? Dude, you’re here…. Stop wasting your life thinking about the future and hereafter, and enjoy where you are now….:bounce_g::bounce_fl:bounce_g::bounce_fl

      As for hell – that’s something you carry around inside you, not a place you go to…:good_evil:good_evil

      true. The big problem with religion is that all the denial of pleasure for “future salvation” and the “hunt for sinners” gets turned into anger and hate; and this is what eventually encourages people to start blowing up things in the name of God..

      and i am always struck how those at the top of the religious heirarchy are required to forego far less in the way of earthly pleasures and vices than those at the bottom [whose selfdenial allows donations to the religious organization of their choice and enables the indulgence of those at the top]







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    Forums Life Spirituality, Morality & Religion How does a person get to heaven? Answer inside.