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How Far? (FF13)

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology How Far? (FF13)

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  • How far are you folk playing FF13 into the game now? I’m currently at 20 hours. This game actually has me by the knackers now.

    Now that I have powerful characters it’s becoming quite addictive! 😉

    00.00 mins in. i have many 200+ hour ones on ff7 and 8.

    @p0ly 377695 wrote:

    00.00 mins in. i have many 200+ hour ones on ff7 and 8.

    Mate do you know how much ff7 is going for brand new?

    166 quid!

    I wanted to buy it but fuck that man! :laugh_at:

    ye i had a well good condition copy i lent to my mate 2 years ago which i got from a charity shop for 1 pound…. NEED TO GET THAT BACK, BET IT’S FUCKED NOW 🙁

    I’ve just completed a two hour fight against one boss. It was that hard it caused me to launch a controller against the wall.

    Never has a game infuriated me more. Should really stop playing but it’s oh so addictive. :crazy:

    i just got to pulse last night! it was so worth the wait it’s really beautiful

    yeah the game has me by the knackers too.. most ive been sucked in by the atmostphere since 8

    (still doubt it will top 7 tho)

    Not sure what my hours of play is but I’ve got to the part where you finally have full control over your battle team and their roles.

    Tis good. Haven’t played it for a few days though. Too busy.

    @Iacchus 377902 wrote:

    i just got to pulse last night! it was so worth the wait it’s really beautiful

    yeah the game has me by the knackers too.. most ive been sucked in by the atmostphere since 8

    (still doubt it will top 7 tho)

    Nice one mate, I haven’t played a FF game since ff9 but I must say I am loving it.

    I wanna buy ff7 though after ff13 is done and see what the fuss is all about.

    Don’t even care if it costs me 60 quid second hand, better that than up my hooter lol! :love:

    cliffy you must get ff7!! you’d fucking love it…. definitely in my top 3 games ever.

    @p0ly 377932 wrote:

    cliffy you must get ff7!! you’d fucking love it…. definitely in my top 3 games ever.

    It’s on my hit list mate. Although I did hear the makers of FF are considering a remake of FF7 to next gen consoles standards.

    If that’s the case then I might wait for that raaa

    yeah there are videos on youtube of it, hope they do make it but it won’t be the same as the original.

    @Iacchus 377902 wrote:

    i just got to pulse last night! it was so worth the wait it’s really beautiful

    I’ve been roaming the wilds of pulse for the last hour or so. Man I wish I had actually levelled my characters up in the earlier chapters, I just kind of ran on through and now fights are a bit of a mission. :crazy_diz

    Luckily I’ve found a little cave where there are enemies that give off a lot of CP points and respawn frequently. Going to have to keep fighting them for a couple hour methinks and build the characters up.

    Slow going but at least it’ll keep me out of trouble this weekend! raaa

    yeah at pulse it gets fucking hard.. some really tricky battles

    ive got ff7 for the ps1 here if anyone wants it, theres no covers or original case and my ps2 used to have trouble reading the discs, but your welcome to it.

    btw for ps3 owners you can download ff7 and 8 for 7 quid each from the psn store






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology How Far? (FF13)