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How to Protect Your Wi-Fi Router From Hacking Using Simple Tricks

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology How to Protect Your Wi-Fi Router From Hacking Using Simple Tricks

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  • or better still do not use the shitty router the telephone or cable company / ISP supply to you for “free”- instead get a commercial grade ISP account (it is possible to get them provided to home addresses) and use a separate router/firewall and WLAN access points if possible; and learn how both local and wide area networks operate. It is far easier to do so today than 10 or 20 years ago; there are whole semesters of uni teaching materials available for free download in a variety of languages as well as English.

    OK this does mean more effort and costs slightly more in hardware (less than you might think).

    If you use a small local ISP in the UK or Europe you can get very good quality customer service. It might mean its potentially more awkward using the account for controversial purposes (how bad that might be will depend on your countrys laws -but I’ve never had any trouble for what I’ve shared on here nor setting up a network for a community radio station with a very multicultural user base where they constantly discuss stuff about religion, world politics and express pro-drug decriminalisation views).

    if you put in that effort you will end up with a much more reliable setup in your home or small business which is essential if you are working from home (even if for part of the week).

    If you are really paranoid it is even possible to put many business grade routers in “NSA mode” where everything that goes through the firewall is mirrored to a spare port on the front and you can connect a network capture server with Wireshark to it and go through the data as you please (although it is usually a tedious boring task and only worth doing if you are experiencing obscure connection issues)

    Great article and sound advice thank you gentlemen.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology How to Protect Your Wi-Fi Router From Hacking Using Simple Tricks