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HR : Croatian "eco-fest" delayed due to power, water failure

Forums Rave Festivals HR : Croatian "eco-fest" delayed due to power, water failure

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  • Surely a genuinely eco-friendly event would have contingency plans against this; HR has fairly decent weather in summer making the use of solar electricity feasible and there are plenty of relatively eco-friendly fuels to run gensets?

    most festivals I’ve encountered in UK or friends in Europe have been involved with have more than one source of power and water (which an equally important part of environment awareness?)

    Might just be some eastern european’s trying to fleece some money and its not working because of corruption. I’ll give them some what of a pass since its their first go.

    Croatia is one of the more stable East European countries and the island has been used for events for some years by what appears to be the same group of people.

    Its not quite an “undeveloped” island, it was used widely during Soviet times by the “Pioneers” (Soviet equivalent of Scouts, but involves both genders and for all that systems faults taught the youth many useful skills). The camping areas shown for this festival and the ampitheatre appear to be modernised versions of whatever the Pioneers built in the 1980s.

    its not that big an island (or event, 800 people max), nor particularly distant from the mainland (only 6km) and even in Soviet times 3 phase generator sets would be easy enough to get hold of. The folk running the event are British.

    Can’t help but think there has either been some sort of financial dispute or a safety/security concern with the infrastructure and a lack of backup plans.

    Added to which the young East European folk with the skills to make something like this work more smoothly are likely to be working long hours in the UK caring for old people etc as this pays better and is more secure employment (I was shocked to learn how many of my colleagues had previously worked in event organisation, DJing etc in their local countries and had given this up to move to England…)






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Forums Rave Festivals HR : Croatian "eco-fest" delayed due to power, water failure