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I just doubled my world record in call of duty …

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology I just doubled my world record in call of duty …

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    67 kills – 4 deaths … :sign0081:

    Man, I need to get my ass online again!

    Oh yeah man .. shame you don’t play on PC tho .. this makes me sad. 😥

    I bet you need a shit hot pc to play that game!

    with the advances in P.C. tech you probably wouldn’t have to spend more then 4-5 ton .. 7-9 if you really wanted a decent machine.

    PC do pretty good deals on computers. I’m thinking about saving up and getting them to do me one! 😉

    That every now and then you feel a pro when you get lumped with a load of noobs!!

    @GiantMidget 420081 wrote:

    I bet you need a shit hot pc to play that game!

    Yeah Blops is really poorly optimized on PC.
    It’s not graphically straining just not programmed very well.

    blops!!! hahahahaa

    @p0ly 420088 wrote:

    That every now and then you feel a pro when you get lumped with a load of noobs!!

    What you talking about? I am PRO!!!! :crazy:

    @DaftFader 420120 wrote:

    What you talking about? I am PRO!!!! :crazy:

    Noobs about! :bounce_fl

    nice one. Not played it in ages. Have you had a go on Black Opps?


    @extraslim 420130 wrote:

    nice one. Not played it in ages. Have you had a go on Black Opps?

    that is black op’s 😛
    @process 420169 wrote:


    And no i don’t know what black op’s is i’ve been too busy with my busy life to pay attention to P.C. games!!!

    @DaftFader 420180 wrote:

    that is black op’s 😛

    And no i don’t know what black op’s is i’ve been too busy with my busy life to pay attention to P.C. games!!!

    ah lol. is black opps good?






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology I just doubled my world record in call of duty …