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Im trying to flog a broken Ipod..wheres the best place to do this?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Im trying to flog a broken Ipod..wheres the best place to do this?

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  • it needs a bit of repairing but fixed it sells for 70 quid.
    Iv tried gumtree to no avail and ebay little people showed any interest.
    Whats best for this sort of thing ?


    i have an idea but you may need to invest in a pair of running shoes at a cost of around £70

    cash converters lol

    In what way is it broken?

    The screens cracked but the picture is fine.
    Iv been using it fine and dandy but earlier i plugged it into my pc and now it only switches on and of. When on it only displays the sync screen

    Iy was fine untill about 20 mins sgo 🙁

    Sounds pretty fucked to me!

    Have you tried doing a hard reset?

    If its an iPod classic…

    – Switch it off
    – Slide the hold switch to ‘hold’ and then back again
    – Hold down ‘menu’ and ‘enter’ until the Apple logo appears (about 5-10 secs)

    I think the procedure varies slightly depending on the type of iPod you have, but Google ‘reset ipod’ and it will be there.

    It’s amazing how many software issues this solves – I’ve ‘fixed’ a few of my mates ipods that were destined for the bin by doing this.

    If this doesn’t work then its probably fucked, and there isn’t much of a market for broken ipods – if it just has a cracked screen you might get £10-20 on ebay for it if you’re lucky but if the thing doesn’t switch on either you’re probably better off recycling/binning it.

    P.S. Cheeky ebay fuckers automatically putting their link in my post!

    Weird, didn’t do it that time…

    (Edit: Oh yeh it did)

    Yeah depending what iPod you have and what generation I can help you if needed, as this has happened to me before.

    Iv reset and the same screen appears. (a pictures of a usb and the itunes logo)

    Its an ipod touch 3rd gen

    If this fails wait for battery to die down completely and charge it.

    @DeezNuts 520685 wrote:

    If this fails wait for battery to die down completely and charge it.

    Thanks hun. My bloody flash player has only gone and botched (again) so il have to watch the video tomorrow morning.

    Chears everyone <3






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Im trying to flog a broken Ipod..wheres the best place to do this?