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iPod Touch

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  • any one got an I pod touch?

    if so – opinions please….

    I’ve got an Iphone if that’s any help. Same thing but with some additional features (like a phone for starters)

    Or at least that’s the way I understand it anyway.

    I’m pretty chuffed with it. Good MP3 player anyway. Plenty of other features too.

    style over content, same with the iphone.

    @photographthesun 243282 wrote:

    style over content, same with the iphone.

    It’s a matter of opinion of course but I find nothing lacking in the iphone despite it’s bluetooth capabilities (or lack of).

    Especially with the large selection of free (and very cheap) apps from the App Store.

    Oh and I’m definitely not an Apple fanboy. The fact it’s Apple almost put me off.

    cheers Bio,
    It’s just am thinking of getting an I pod, but wondered whether its best to go for a touch for the tinternet etc features……

    I dont want an I phone though

    and Bio – what sort of free stuff can you download in the apple shop then?






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