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is anyone going to glade?

Forums Rave Festivals Glade Festival is anyone going to glade?

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  • @Hardstyle126 518915 wrote:

    hopefully should be going this year depending on how much coin i have and how many cool people are playing, if its anything compared to next year its a definate must for me 🙂

    if you are spending the cash travelling to Europe and like hardstyle best you are better off going to the Netherlands, as that is where the bulk of the good hardstyle is made, and events have better production values. Although the music scene is supposedly a big part of England, our current local and national governments (which are slightly more conservative) despise these events whereas Holland welcoms them provided that people behave well. (or doe normaal, but that does not mean you cannot have fun :wink:)

    below is a link, it might come up with a box asking you to accept cookies because its European law we must ask that. Click on “ik accepteer de cookies”.







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Forums Rave Festivals Glade Festival is anyone going to glade?