Forums › Drugs › Cocaine & Crack › is coke more psychologically addictive than physically?
I suppose occasional recreational use is defined by the user. For me it’s once a month to every 6weeks which I know some would say is too often but considering at my worst I was on a 20pill a day 6month binge and I have much lower doses when on the sesh now. If he’s doing it every weekend then yeah that is too often in my opinion.
@tat91 502094 wrote:
Ps what is occasional recreational use? is once a week/once every two weeks too often? coz thats how often he does e’s.
Good question. It’s still a habit, and at least they are showing some sign of attempting to control it.
Ideally nobody would have drug habits, but that depends on people not feeling they need them.
Given the “feel good” factor of drugs like e and cocaine, now you are more informed – which could help you with getting qualifed to help people with addiction problems.
That is the definition of addiction – a habit you don’t need, but can’t stop.
And it’s very easy to become dependent. Using a drug or past time just to feel “normal”. At that point, you don’t have a habit, you ARE the habit, and most everyday thoughts get focussed onto making sure the drugs are available. The longer they continue, the harder they are to shift – neurons get built up which “support” the habit, alongside all the happy memories.
Good luck with your studies and your b/f – I suspect you will have to pick one or the other, but then again, they could switch and bounce away from their party habits IF they find an alternative past time that gives them the same “feel good” factor. It is possible.
I think when you are spending more money than you have on any drug (esp coke as it’s expensive), then in my mind you have a problem. Personally i’ve seen far more people spending all there money on mephe than coke and fiend for it alot worse aswell. Cokes just notorious for making people abit greedy and selfish if they do it too often
Addiction is defined by the individual – and esp why you are using,
IE: if you are using it (alcohol included) as a ‘crutch’ or ‘support’ or to ‘forget’, ‘feel normal’ of some sort it may be problematic / become problematic, (IE if you are saying your use is due to a problematic childhood – this may be a sign – as millions of people take drugs every weekend (including alcohol) and they dont need to use on every social occasion / day etc and if you do this may be telling you something, however we are very good at deluding ourselfs that we may have a problem)
binge use can be just as destructive as daily use – dependent on the impact it has on your life / loved ones etc
My sis is good thanks this was eons ago, and she was with a dealer who used to ‘hide (store) it at her house’ hence tearing the place apart for it! but she still has a problem with ‘knowing when to stop’ even with alcohol and she may only drink once every 6=8 weeks and she’s on a ‘I’m not drinking’ phase as she’ll get utterly hammered and then be ill the next day.
And as already spoken about – vallium is a pretty dangerous drug when it comes to withdrawals (if physically addicted)- on a par with alcohol for withdrawals and seizures that can kill you if physically dependent and not reduced / detoxed safely
and dangerous if used with other substances such as methadone or alcohol – as it (any Benzodiazepine) can reduce your respiration’s / OD
you sound as if you have your head screwed on – its worth checking stuff out ifs your planning on ingesting it – errowid (?sp) is a good site too
I would say psychologically addictive.. Funny thing i was totally obsessed with it for the first months,and then after quitting for a while (can’t spend 100 every saturday) i started again and felt NOTHING. Didn’t really think about it,not even once,while before i spent hours thinking about it..But the first months,oh boooy!
Have you ever heard of Erowid It’s a great resource for information about all sorts of drugs.
There are two main dangers with coke when it is easily affordable and obtainable:
Firstly, some people become addicted to how it makes them behave socially. They may normally be a little introverted or not have much to say but they find that the coke changes this and makes them (temporarily) into the confident, chatty person that they have always wanted to be. The danger is that they start to think that they have to be high to be in social situations and also enjoying the high, choose to seek out more social situations to put themselves in the situation of having to be confident and chatty again. And so the cycle continues.
The second danger is if you are regularly binging on coke and you have any kind of responsibilities (ie a job or whatever) you will find that after a binge you feel like crap (from sleep deprivation, lack of food, too much alcohol and cigarettes etc) so the obvious answer is just to do more coke. The cycle this time then is binging, crashing and re-dosing to prevent yourself from feeling shit so that mostly you are only doing coke now so you don’t feel like shit.
@tat91 502081 wrote:
and i dont plan on doing everything at the same time, or everything as such. i want to pick one of two more, try them once or twice, and stop altogether. if you must know.
that’s a weird attitude, if you are going to research the risks and benefits before trying (which is blates a good idea) they you will identify drugs that might be attractive to you, if you are happy with the risk why would you impose limits, OK to work in the field its better to have some knowledge but not necessarily, because drugs work differently on everyone so your experience won’t matach someone else’s and to think so could be worse that ignorance.
I don’t need to inject to understand injectors, i just need to ask them, the logic you use is one where only ex-heroin users can work with heroin people, crack user etc which is just silly
that said i did take antidepressants just to see what they were like (6 weeks) and it informed my work
It will still help her to get an idea of things though she will as you say never ‘understand those people properly’
I asked a free party goer (psychologist for drug rehab) friend of mine if she could be totally honest with a question i was gonna ask her and so i asked her if she benefits at work from being involved in the scene and around drug users all the time (she only drinks)
She said it isn’t the reason she’s in the scene but at the same time yeah she does benefit from it because she has deep in depth conversations with people that are on drugs at partys, and over the years it has helped her to really understand how to deal with people tenderly at her rehab. So what i’m saying is that the poster for this thread may not understand the drug by coming to this forum and getting involved but but by getting to know us all and asking us to open up a little bit to her that she could learn how to ‘deal’ with people that are on drugs and how she needs to be herself at the time of certain (maybe bad) situations with others around her, loved ones and mates that are on drugs .
@chuff 508093 wrote:
that’s a weird attitude, if you are going to research the risks and benefits before trying (which is blates a good idea) they you will identify drugs that might be attractive to you, if you are happy with the risk why would you impose limits,
I don’t think its that odd an attitude, its increasingly common amongst younger people these days, especially those outside inner city areas. Even those who aren’t anti drugs want to “get it out of their system” from around age 16-25 and lead a normal life after that. Many others here are increasingly anti drugs not because of prejudice but from wanting to learn from the mistakes of others.
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Forums › Drugs › Cocaine & Crack › is coke more psychologically addictive than physically?