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Is it Possible to Find Love on the Internet?

Forums Love, Sex & Relationships Is it Possible to Find Love on the Internet?

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  • @FrenchTekno 441429 wrote:

    This is an interesting question that has two sides to it ; there is the ‘relationship’ where a lot of b***shit is said on line to paint yourself. And then as seen with some examples mentioned above, that after the ‘internet’ meet you do have to see the person physically which all in all is what a true relationship is all about : knowing who you are and actually sharing true moments unlike the easyiness that is to paint yourself into something that you are not which I am sure so many ppl do.
    That is why for me that however much the lure of ‘easy’ relationships is so readily available out there I am sure that there were so many actual meet ups that fizzled out and failed at first sight. That’s why i stick to my belief that i will meet someone in flesh from the get go and that evreything will roll out from then on.

    what you on about mate? i hear people paint themselves as someone they aren’t all day everyday in real life, the net is just a reflection of reality.

    @p0ly 441455 wrote:

    what you on about mate? i hear people paint themselves as someone they aren’t all day everyday in real life, the net is just a reflection of reality.

    Agreed. But personally, intuition, body language and mannerisms etc play a very big part in sussing a person out. It’s SO much easier to ‘paint’ yourself a certain way when there’s a distance involved. You gotta feel the vibes, y’kno?

    @Tekn0Fairy 441467 wrote:

    Agreed. But personally, intuition, body language and mannerisms etc play a very big part in sussing a person out. It’s SO much easier to ‘paint’ yourself a certain way when there’s a distance involved. You gotta feel the vibes, y’kno?

    yes, but i’ve made friends with people through the internet where in real life would never have happened.

    Absolutely – i’ve just been proposed to and we met over the internet so yeah definitely

    @p0ly 441780 wrote:

    yes, but i’ve made friends with people through the internet where in real life would never have happened.

    Would never have happened with regards to what? Location? Looks? Circumstances?

    I have also made friends over the internet with people whom i may have never had the chance to. But love? Sure i could like, and maybe even have a fancy for someone on yon t’interweb, if they’ve got the patter or whatever, but to think of love, i’d have to be around them and feel them..
    (no naughty pun intended :p)

    I had a year and a half relationship with a guy i’d met on the internet when i was 16. Although the internet part was rather short lived. We mailed each other maybe a handful of times, met up and fell in love for a while 🙂

    So, i do believe it’s possible, but for me, catching someone’s vibes is the deciding factor.

    It is possible only under specific conditions. I met my boyfriend on-line and we’ve been together for a year and a half, now. You need to know the difference between ”love” and the actual love, though. I’ve met gazillion teenagers that think they are in love with a person they have met on-line even though they:

    1- Haven’t actually met them in person
    2- Have only seen one or two pictures of them (Could easily be someone else’s pictures)
    3- Never skyped or cammed with them
    4- Only know them as much as they have introduced themselves.

    There is something in mistery that attracts people. Not knowing who you’re talking to makes you try to make an image of them in your head and creat a person you want them to be not the person they are. Simply because they say they are interested in the things you are (even if they are being honest) doesn’t mean they are your ideal person and non of those feelings are called love. There are so many different people on-line and you can’t know who or what they are. They could be good or bad (you know what I mean by good or bad).
    My boyfriend and I met on a forum. At first we only talked about ourselves and everything that was going on and we shared ideas on skype and msn. Then he came to visit me and I went to visit him we got to know each other in person, and then we decided to actually date. And it took a long time to realize that we had fallen in love.

    So you can find love on the internet if both of you are willing to get to know each other properly and you have the opportunity to meet in person.

    my ex did.. through a forum!

    reckon you just have to not build up unrealistic expectations of what this person could or might be… cos then they are more a figment of what you’re hoping for rather than the individual they are…. allllsoo I imagine it is difficult (but doable) cos people on the internet do seem to be more outgoing than they are in person.

    i got photographic evidence and multiple people from this forum have seen it blossom 😛 so yes it can. even though i knew it could before.

    thanks pv 😀

    @p0ly 444430 wrote:

    i got photographic evidence and multiple people from this forum have seen it blossom 😛 so yes it can. even though i knew it could before.

    thanks pv 😀

    I was waiting for you to post in this thread ahahah … alltho tbf you’ve allready made about 10000000 other threads about it 😛


    i think that if you are an accepting person then you can find love anywhere but if you’re the type of person who wants to change someone, good luck (that ones for my ex!)

    Well I don’t know about how easy it is to find love, but I work for a national magazine in the Uk, and we’re interested in hearing from people who’ve used the internet to explore their sexual kinks.

    We want to hear from you if you found that the internet helped you to indulge in your fantasies, or even if you met your lover online.

    We can offer payment to people participating, and you can choose to be anonymous if you wish.

    EMAIL me at xx

    Yes it is possible now because internet become the good source for everything and love is also an important part of our life. I have seen some times people say true to strangers it happened same with one of my friend. She was joined dating site and talked with a guy for 2 months now they both are in love and happy with each other. This thing really turn my thoughts and I really impressed with the site that it has all the genuine people over there no spam.

    lots and lots of loveeeeeeeeeee

    Yes its possible one of my childhood friends got married last year to a guy she met online…

    I dont know about love but ifound agood fuck buddy onlineonce






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Forums Love, Sex & Relationships Is it Possible to Find Love on the Internet?