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Is it Possible to Find Love on the Internet?

Forums Love, Sex & Relationships Is it Possible to Find Love on the Internet?

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  • HM300 wrote:
    it is possible it worked for me on two occasions the first didnt go too well but that was just down to her being a bit of a current g/f started listening to me playin on the radio online and now were together and v happy together 🙂

    why on earth was my post modded?

    Oh yeah and i take back what i said too cos we split up on monday which just happened to be my bloody birthdathanks for that em :you_crazy
    Just place your skype user name.. or look for your soulmate…

    it is possible. i know few people who met on the net and eventually got married. but finding true love on the net is very rare and has very thin possibility.

    phantom wrote:
    it is possible. i know few people who met on the net and eventually got married. but finding true love on the net is very rare and has very thin possibility.

    TBH I think that finding true love is hard whether the net is involved or not….

    don’t want to sound old fashioned but it does seem like society is changing to a point where because the stigma is disappearing from short term relationships built mostly on lust (i.e fuck buddies) or even using prostitutes, people of both genders are becoming less inclined to actually bother working at a relationship.

    I can see the dangers though as its clear that a lot of so-called “networking/dating” sites are used by people merely to arrange short term flings (perhaps even cheating on their partners), theres blokes looking to put more notches in their bedposts, and girls looking to rinse blokes for as much money as possible during their one night stands

    but all this went on anyway before the internet was about. Its more to do with a culture of “instant gratification” though..

    Yep I truly believe that you can find love on the internet, for I am living proof of this.
    The guy I am living with (and my 2 kids) I met on the net, at xmas we will have been together for 3 years, and I love him to bits. The way I look at it is if I didnt have a computer I certainly would not be as happy as I am now. It was a big change for me and my kids when we first moved here, they started different schools, etc,but we soon got the hang of things, and we are all totally settled now.
    He is certainly the best thing that has ever happened for me, and I would never want to be without him. Love you sweetie xx


    I think probably the best bet is to find people in forums or discussion areas about things you really love and are passionate about.
    Not necessarily go to matching sites.

    Everyone I know who met their partner on the net has met them in a forum about science fiction, travel, etc.

    Hell a friend of mine met her husband when he replied to her question about feline asthma on a vet forum!

    You know not SO LONG AGO people used to write letters to each other.
    Long rambling letters about life and love, and a bunch of Victorian bullshit like that. So yeah, love letters and courtship through the written word has probably been going on since some bastard figured out how to make marks in clay.

    There is nothing new under the sun.

    I am currently hoping that the answer to this is yes as 3 and a half weeks ago I met Amy on a dating website, and within a ady or two were chatting for hours every night on the phone. Having really hit it off over the phone I went down there (I live in Yorkshire – Huddersfield, and she is in Nuneaton nr Brum) the weekend before last to stay with here for the weekend – risky I know but had a really good feeling that we would have fun. When got there blown away – different person to the fantasy I’d built up on the phone and so much better – a real complete individual as fucked up as me but yet perfect for me in so many ways, as well as the sex being mind blowing.
    She comes up to stay with me over Xmas and we’re already talking about her leaving her friends and family behind and moving up here by the end of Jan. Scares the shit out of me for things to be happening so quickly, but cant deny the way i’m feeling towards her and she is saying the same – yes, we’ve bth been players in the past, but I really think we’ve both suddenly been hit straught between the eyes by cupids arrow and found exactly what we were both looking for.
    On the other hand I could be about to get fucked over and screwed big time by a clever bitch, in the worst case scenario!
    At the end of the day though sometimes you have to bite the bullet and go for what you want in life and take a chance on how you feel about a situation – so as I say at the moment i would say yes you can find love on the net but I could be wrong at this stage and be about to be made a fool of!

    My best mate has been friends with a guy from a chat room for over a year, they met 3 months ago for the first time and are now smitten with each other. Whether it will work out long term though is another matter.

    cleosizzles wrote:
    Yep I truly believe that you can find love on the internet, for I am living proof of this.
    The guy I am living with (and my 2 kids) I met on the net, at xmas we will have been together for 3 years, and I love him to bits. The way I look at it is if I didnt have a computer I certainly would not be as happy as I am now. It was a big change for me and my kids when we first moved here, they started different schools, etc,but we soon got the hang of things, and we are all totally settled now.
    He is certainly the best thing that has ever happened for me, and I would never want to be without him. Love you sweetie xx


    Wow, i mean, meeting your guy on the net, that is one thing…

    But meeting your 2 kids as well, totally unbelievable! whats the chances of that, eh.:groucho:

    Sorry, couldn’t resist it, i’m only 4.:crazy_diz

    cleosizzles wrote:
    Yep I truly believe that you can find love on the internet, for I am living proof of this.
    The guy I am living with (and my 2 kids) I met on the net, at xmas we will have been together for 3 years, and I love him to bits. The way I look at it is if I didnt have a computer I certainly would not be as happy as I am now. It was a big change for me and my kids when we first moved here, they started different schools, etc,but we soon got the hang of things, and we are all totally settled now.
    He is certainly the best thing that has ever happened for me, and I would never want to be without him. Love you sweetie xx


    That is Sooo sweet ! …happy valentines day to you then …xxx
    :group_hug :group_hug :group_hug :group_hug :group_hug :group_hug :group_hug :group_hug :group_hug :love:

    Well, I do believe its possible, I have a couple of mates who have met their soul partner – and yes, so far it is happily overy after !!!

    I’m still looking !!! – a like minded female raver to share me life with !!

    ANywayz – happy Valentines !!

    kaito wrote:
    I am currently hoping that the answer to this is yes as 3 and a half weeks ago I met Amy on a dating website, and within a ady or two were chatting for hours every night on the phone. Having really hit it off over the phone I went down there (I live in Yorkshire – Huddersfield, and she is in Nuneaton nr Brum) the weekend before last to stay with here for the weekend – risky I know but had a really good feeling that we would have fun. When got there blown away – different person to the fantasy I’d built up on the phone and so much better – a real complete individual as fucked up as me but yet perfect for me in so many ways, as well as the sex being mind blowing.
    She comes up to stay with me over Xmas and we’re already talking about her leaving her friends and family behind and moving up here by the end of Jan. Scares the shit out of me for things to be happening so quickly, but cant deny the way i’m feeling towards her and she is saying the same – yes, we’ve bth been players in the past, but I really think we’ve both suddenly been hit straught between the eyes by cupids arrow and found exactly what we were both looking for.
    On the other hand I could be about to get fucked over and screwed big time by a clever bitch, in the worst case scenario!
    At the end of the day though sometimes you have to bite the bullet and go for what you want in life and take a chance on how you feel about a situation – so as I say at the moment i would say yes you can find love on the net but I could be wrong at this stage and be about to be made a fool of!

    Wow, just reread that post from mid-Dec and felt the need to update.

    Ami moved in after I asked her to on Xmas day and, aside from a trip down Nuneaton to get her stuff, has been living with me ever since.

    Think its about coming up to two months now and we’re still going strong and definately very much in love – so so far so good and all I can say in answer to the original question is yes, but only if both parties are 100% honest when chatting over the net to start with and resist the temptation to bullshit and tell people what they want to hear.

    I agree with the last comment.. it is true, Your able to fall inlove on the internet aslong as both parties put 100% into it.
    My best friend, she met her fiance on the internet, they wer together around 5months b4 they actually met.
    My friend says when you fall inlove on the net its good cause you fall inlove with the person for who they are and not for their body n looks.

    just search “love” on google :weee::weee::weee:






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Forums Love, Sex & Relationships Is it Possible to Find Love on the Internet?