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  • Does anyone know how to convert dvd movies to .iso or .avi? Any freeware out there? Have been trying to find out for a while. It’s handy as once you shrink the movie down to 700mb you can back up up to five on one dvd.

    This question was touched on recently here:

    Hope it helps and feel free to come back with questions of course…

    If you’re making backups of protected disks you need to decrypt first, then convert – Mediacoder should be able to handle most conversions you want it to.

    Any it can’t decrypt, go here for a bunch of freeware and commercial decrypters (btw – DVD Decrypter is now a commercial release called DVDFabDecrypter – you can still get the last free version (, but it’s no longer updated and may not handle newer disks).

    The last link is from a website that has lots of regularly updated info and how-to’s about all things video…:wink:

    Thank for that. I use Dvd Decrypter and DVD shrink to ‘back up’ protected dvd’s. However this leaves them as 4.5gig sized files. Iso or avi are somehow condensed to about 700mb. I am going to try the autogk software, but it looks really complicated and time consuming. Perhaps an amphetamine night in beckons…






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