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  • planned for Spring 2010

    initial street price €1000 :hiding:

    looks promising though, about time they took more design ideas off proper old skool cameras.. (I always preferred them and only switched to digital due to the price of film etc)

    That looks swanky – My mate’s just forked out a shed load on a nikon 7D (I think he said) – supposed to be shit hot!
    His friend who makes films in america sold alot of his profetional film kit and replaced it with these cameras (assuming I’ve quoted the correct camera!).


    I think it’s the Nikon D7000 – and that’s a still camera (my friends getting a proper film camera at some point. Thought he was talking about it earlyer when he said he was getting a camera – obv not)

    there is a Canon EOS 7D which is aimed at the same market segment as the Nikon D7000

    Both this and the D7000 actually does videos as well as still pictures and they are supposed to be decent quality. the D7000 has 1080p in 24, 25 and 30 fps (24 and 25 are important as we are in Europe, not USA, many camera manufacturers seem to forget this :rant:)

    I do also find it hard to get my head round a single chip SLR taking movies as well as stills (as decent video cameras normally have 3 CCDs) but its supposed to be really good and of course you can use all the interchangeable lenses..

    I finally upgraded from a compact to a DSLR earlier in the month – a basic D3000 (only Nikon I can afford!) and even this is so much nicer to use than a compact when you want to go beyond auto (although its not bad on auto either)

    The video quality from some of these HD SLRs is pretty stunning. I saw some underwater footage taken on the Canon 5D MkII – was superb.

    By all accounts the D7000 is the best in its class at the moment, better and cheaper than the D300s…until Canon release the 8D or something (I much prefer Nikon). A lot of people still forget though that it’s more the quality of the lens that affects the quality of a picture, rather than the camera body. A cheap body with decent lens will get better pics than a expensive body with a cheap lens. Also the whole deal with ever increasing megapixels is a con – it’s all about sensor size and lens quality.

    great sexy design!!
    loving the ‘old fashion’ look 😉

    @parrotfish 399754 wrote:

    The video quality from some of these HD SLRs is pretty stunning. I saw some underwater footage taken on the Canon 5D MkII – was superb.

    By all accounts the D7000 is the best in its class at the moment, better and cheaper than the D300s…until Canon release the 8D or something (I much prefer Nikon). A lot of people still forget though that it’s more the quality of the lens that affects the quality of a picture, rather than the camera body. A cheap body with decent lens will get better pics than a expensive body with a cheap lens. Also the whole deal with ever increasing megapixels is a con – it’s all about sensor size and lens quality.

    MPs don’t seem to make much difference expect for moving objects and brighter pics.

    What’s the deal with this camera anyway?

    Can anyone recommend a good cheap cam-corded, how do you measure the quality with them?

    Very nice!

    @p0ly 399786 wrote:

    What’s the deal with this camera anyway?

    Can anyone recommend a good cheap cam-corded, how do you measure the quality with them?

    ………………its sexy!!!! :bounce_fl

    parotfish seems to know his stuff when comes to cameras- ( you seen his pictures? fantastic!!)

    Yep, he gets to go to all the beautiful exotic locations. he is the super hero of Whales!

    @p0ly 399794 wrote:

    Yep, he gets to go to all the beautiful exotic locations. he is the super hero of Whales!

    he’s sent me a few links as I want a new camera as mine keeps failing!! but my budget is ever decreasing!!! lol :hopeless::hopeless:

    i got a 10.2 mp camera from a desperate mephe/drug addict who wanted cash ASAP, got it cheap.

    @p0ly 399800 wrote:

    i got a 10.2 mp camera from a desperate mephe/drug addict who wanted cash ASAP, got it cheap.

    I found mine in hammersmith, so it was a freebee :bounce_fl,

    but last few months its constantly buggered and brought a new battery as I thought it was this and it seems not to be working after about 20 mins even with a new one….

    I want one with a good zoom

    thanks guys :love: I still need to send you more links…will catch you later maybe Poly – bedtime for me.

    have a nice day now x

    @p0ly 399786 wrote:

    What’s the deal with this camera anyway?

    the manual controls are on the top like old film cameras, rather than hidden behind several screens of menus. Although automatic metering is really impressive, not every picture can be got at a decent quality by just using “point and shoot”.

    Can anyone recommend a good cheap cam-corded, how do you measure the quality with them?

    what do you mean by cheap? the miniature “spy cameras” which record onto SD cards are getting good reports from cyclists I know (many attach them to their bikes to film the surroundings (and also to catch out bad drivers :wink:)

    720p is standard definition. 1080p is HD. in England we use 25 frames per second and PAL video standard. (some grey import cameras are American 29.997/30 fps standard.) A camcorder with 3 imaging chips (for red, green and blue) tends to have better colour definition in lower light than one with just one. these used to cost thousands but are now way cheaper than before (Panasonic make some good ones). Mine (bought in 2004) was one of the first affordable (and smaller) 3-chip cameras. The newer Panasonic ones have CMOS chips and work even better in low light (as you can’t use a flashgun with video, and might not be able to set up lamps everywhere like a director at Shepperton or Pinewood)

    Don’t use youtube or online video to judge video quality, it absolutely trashes the original signal due to compression.. you need to try and see a demo of the kit (if you can find proper camera shops in your town, there aren’t any here other than Jessops and its a OK place but way understaffed since the shakeup)






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology JP : Fuji’s new digital camera..