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K cramps!

Forums Drugs Ketamine K cramps!

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  • Can’t hurt to try! Where can you get it?

    I’m an awesome cure for K cramps, if the victim of the cramps is susceptible enough I can use hypnosis to either relieve the pain or eliminate it altogether. Unfortunately it doesn’t work if I do it on myself. Had to do it a few times on this chick that I knock around with. She tends to have panic attacks triggered by the cramps as well.

    @Chrispydelic 510800 wrote:

    Can’t hurt to try! Where can you get it?

    That bottle came from an actual witch type lady out in the Mid Suffolk villages (no kidding, that is her mobile phone number). I’m not sure if she still sells the stuff like that as there are new EU rules what were brought in because of the boom in RC’s which also affected these remedies. Its possible you can get the stuff from amazon or other local health food type places – but apparently the stuff is mostly indicated for “womens problems” and too much of it will turn your stomach over even more.

    @General Lighting 510793 wrote:

    I saw this at the housing co-op (in one of their kitchens), it made me think of you lot. I’ve no idea if the stuff on the right will cure your ailments and even my hippy friends would most likely say “do less K instead”


    Slightly off topic, but I have endometriosis and am now prescribed codeine for it despite an operation, the coil and the pill… gonna look into this…. Getting to the stage ill try anything!!

    Just wanted to share my experience. Thank you for all your posts as this is the most informative forum I’m yet to find.
    The advice given about gastric issues seems spot on. The last few days I’ve had k cramps on and off and just been riding it out. Stopped getting them a few years back when stopped snorting and moved on to IM injecting, all seemed well and had ket every weekend untill the drought wherever that was must be couple of years ago. Moved on to mxe! Boy that was FUCKED up and fun!! Anyways got myself a nice smack addiction when I got bored of lack of ket and a messed up so called friend said ‘try thi s!’ After a year on smack, which I have to admit was fun! Got ill from it, couldn’t afford my 50 quid a day habit so drugs services put me bupronorphine. All was well for a year, spent the last few months tapering off. Last week been detoxing, HELL!!! Drug services failed to inform me taper and detox would be so painful when they put me on bupronorphine a year ago.
    Due the mental anguish on detox I spent the last week doing around 3-4gs of ket a day. Assumed wouldn’t get cramps as injecting
    Last night after a day of not using ket and 6 days clean of the bupronorphine I experienced some of the worst cramps I ever had. Partner rushed me to a and e, sweating and screaming! Like in the old days when I got cramps a and e didn’t give a flying fuck!? I always discharge myself when the cramps ease of.
    Drugs services never helped my k addiction, they just give a little bit of chat and expect me to quit.
    The NHS needs to do more to help. I’ve pleaded for residential rehab and they refuse. I pleaded for inpatient treatment for my bupronorphine detox to avoid relapse, denied! Now I’m camping at Stonehenge to stop myself belling up my ket dealer!!! Fuck knows what I’ll do after as I’m not been totally sober for 17 years!!!






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Forums Drugs Ketamine K cramps!