Fuck me I’m so glad that I’m not into K, uppers and psy all the way for me! 🙂
@p0ly 430748 wrote:
Well i’ve suffered from chronic cramps since monday i believe, still in pain now this morning but it’s ok (i hope) before bed i drank 2 pints of milk and a load of water and i managed from 10pm til about 6.30am without pissing, woke up a couple of times needing a piss but managed to hold it in well.
Can’t believe it’s hurt for this long, quite scary just wanna be able to get fit but can’t do much with a stomach like this!
Never hold in piss when you’re a heavy K user or you feel your bladder has ‘shrunk’ due to K use.
This can cause the bladder to tear and is what cases some of the problems.
It’s annoying pissing a lot but will give your body a better chance of fully recovering when you cut down your use.
@Scott J 452000 wrote:
Never hold in piss when you’re a heavy K user or you feel your bladder has ‘shrunk’ due to K use.
This can cause the bladder to tear and is what cases some of the problems.
It’s annoying pissing a lot but will give your body a better chance of fully recovering when you cut down your use.
yes i know you should piss a lot but what i was saying was my bladder was able to cope with a lot of liquid for a long time without too much difficulty. think my bad k binge days are over to the point of cramps so i think i’m safe from pissing blood… phew! though liquid is the key to a healthy k habit… lolz at me putting healthy in there.
never pissed blood or had pains pissing even during the few years I did a hell of a lot. so glad it’s been a long time since I’ve done enough for the cramps they are some of the worst pain I’ve been through.
@Scott J 452000 wrote:
Never hold in piss when you’re a heavy K user or you feel your bladder has ‘shrunk’ due to K use.
This can cause the bladder to tear and is what cases some of the problems.
It’s annoying pissing a lot but will give your body a better chance of fully recovering when you cut down your use.
Never knew whether to try and hold it in if I hadn’t been doing k in ages and stretch the bladder a bit bigger, although I only have this problem if I drink loads. Kind of embarrassing at a party or something where you’re drinking but need to go to the toilet so often people notice
@Scott J 452000 wrote:
Never hold in piss when you’re a heavy K user or you feel your bladder has ‘shrunk’ due to K use.
Whether or not this is due to drugs, booze or anything else. you should not hold in urine or any other excretion long term for any reason – if you need to “go” you should do so (within reason and accepted standards of common decency!) – it is very bad for you in the long term.
An old Medieval medical book had these lines, which are good advice to this day.
Piss and fart. Sound at heart.
Mingere cum bumbis, Res saluberrima est lumbis.
(The Latin means much the same thing, that doing so is good for the “loins” (and your body as a whole))
@ellie 237083 wrote:
sounds like a water infection…is that what k cramps are??
Its when you swallow the K. Recrystallization pretty much.
I neglected mild k pains for about a week and was doing almost 2 grams a day until my stomach got really effed up to the point where I was seeing a differently doctor daily. Finally I was given a set of probiotics called Align. My doctor told me to take 1 a day for 7 days. After taking the first capsule, my stomach was 80% better after an hour and by the next day when I had taken the 2nd dose, my pain disappeared. My doctor originally told me he thought the problem was a stomach virus. So I recommend for anyone experiencing these pains to get probiotics from any drug store or health store and it should help you. It’s also good to keep antacids handy–I personally use Diavol Plus and I find it helps if I start feeling discomfort. Make sure your stomach is never empty and force yourself to drink endless glasses of water to keep the body hydrated.
@Ketamina92 520904 wrote:
I neglected mild k pains for about a week and was doing almost 2 grams a day until my stomach got really effed up to the point where I was seeing a differently doctor daily. Finally I was given a set of probiotics called Align. My doctor told me to take 1 a day for 7 days. After taking the first capsule, my stomach was 80% better after an hour and by the next day when I had taken the 2nd dose, my pain disappeared. My doctor originally told me he thought the problem was a stomach virus. So I recommend for anyone experiencing these pains to get probiotics from any drug store or health store and it should help you. It’s also good to keep antacids handy–I personally use Diavol Plus and I find it helps if I start feeling discomfort. Make sure your stomach is never empty and force yourself to drink endless glasses of water to keep the body hydrated.
If you had chronic chronic highest level k cramps and a really poor quality life, nothing to live for and a gun next to you. you would end it, definitely.
I suffer really bad with k cramps, have done for almost a year now. I recently had my gallbladder removed as a result of the excess bile being produced from all the k. Since the operation I haven’t been as bad but still the odd blips now and again, but doing 4,5,6 grams a day won’t help. I take omeprazole twice daily which help with acid reflux, drink lots of water and try and avoid fatty foods. Hot water bottles and hot baths help to subside the cramps too.
Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster I haven’t had to put up with this now for a very long time.
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