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Forums Drugs Ketamine Ketamine

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  • Ketamine is a spiritual awakening.

    That looks like very BAD Ketamine, if it contains any K at all!



    Ahh ketamine, it’s been at least a year. Won’t be doing it again after doing a massive line and thinking I was a caterpillar, awakening from the k-hole naked and freezing on my bathroom floor.

    Don’t do ketamine kids.

    That first pic don’t even look like K. :s

    @DaftFader 559653 wrote:

    That first pic don’t even look like K. :s

    I don’t think it is!


    @DaftFader 559721 wrote:


    Stop it, you’re making me hungry.

    Yup, that’s the stuff!

    where the hell has all the ketamine gone!!

    I hear it’s being re-classified as a class B. I’m told there is a massive drought on.

    @special_brew 560076 wrote:

    where the hell has all the ketamine gone!!

    @Chrispydelic 560077 wrote:

    I hear it’s being re-classified as a class B. I’m told there is a massive drought on.

    Not my way there isn’t.

    I think there was more then one massive bust recently in supplying countries.

    there was a 1.2 tonne bust in india, 200kg in china and 250kg bust in manchester all within the space of about two months so thats fucked things up! i haven’t been able to get any in ages but its probably a good thing really, just hoping it makes a return by summer time

    @special_brew 560106 wrote:

    there was a 1.2 tonne bust in india, 200kg in china and 250kg bust in manchester all within the space of about two months so thats fucked things up! i haven’t been able to get any in ages but its probably a good thing really, just hoping it makes a return by summer time

    Doesn’t look like they’ve hit Merseyside yet where my K comes from. Don’t buy it often, maybe once every 2 months or something but never have any problem getting it.






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Forums Drugs Ketamine Ketamine